7.3 Paradox Breakdown Charges post update not fair!



  • RasiloverRasilover Member Posts: 1,477 ★★★★

    People will ask for compensation for about literally anything. This thread gives the community a bad name.

    Quite sad really
  • KnightZeroKnightZero Member Posts: 1,466 ★★★★★
    Really, compensation for this? I agree that the paradox charges were annoying, but the amount of revives spent on those lanes shouldn't have been so much to ask for compensation.
    It's a good move by Kabam to increase the charges and make it better for those who haven't done the content. Leave it at that.
  • Mobile_P0tat0Mobile_P0tat0 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    7.3 wasn't that hard before this change, doesn't really call for any compensation
  • _Kill_Switch__Kill_Switch_ Member Posts: 275 ★★

    Should there be compensation because the content is now mildly easier? No.
    Should there be compensation because Kabam made a change to end game content without even as much as a whisper? Absolutely.

    Literally what is the difference to your gameplay if this change was announced at the start of March instead as it was intended? We have found out about it earlier than we otherwise would have done. There is no downside to this yet people expect compensation, it’s baffling
    Maybe you didn't understand my point. There is and never will be anything positive about Kabam changing anything in silence, I don't care if it's pro or anti player base. Anytime anything is changed without notice or announcement, it sets a bad precedent.
    We are barely days into this discussion and guess what? More changes (involving the Summer Showdown this time) without informing the participants surface.
    Whether it be compensation, an apology, undoing the change etc the point is Kabam should be held accountable otherwise this will become a norm, a norm that we allowed.
    I understand that these changes don't bother you (me neither) but the behaviour should because in future, a change that does bother you will happen wihtout Kabam bothering to tell you yet again and it will have started here.
  • _Kill_Switch__Kill_Switch_ Member Posts: 275 ★★

    Hey everybody,

    So as already discussed here, this is an intended change, but not one that was meant to go out yet. There was to be communications ahead of its release, but we don't intend to turn it back now that it's already out.

    When we Beta tested Act 7 Chapter 4, we got a lot of feedback on the Paradox Charges in Act 7 Chapter 3, so we decided to go back and make a tuning update. This is usually the kind of stuff we like to cover in Beta Tests for the content itself, but unfortunately, the Act 7 Chapter 3 Beta did not give us very much feedback at all, so the adjustment afterwards was necessary.

    The changes made are:
    - Increased Max Paradox Charges from 9 to 12
    - Decreased Resistance Reduction for 5% to 3.5%

    The new description reads: "If the Attacker ever has 12 or more Paradox Charges at one time, all Paradox Charges are removed and the Attacker suffers a burst of damage equal to 200% of their modified Attack. Each Paradox Charge on the Attacker reduces their Resistances by 3.5%."

    We had not had time to discuss if there will be any compensation or what it would look like yet, but will let you all know if we do decide to move ahead with something.

    Thanx Miike.
  • Barrage89Barrage89 Member Posts: 24
    Not sure what the fuss is all about. I’m not the most skilled player yet I found the management of paradox charges not that problematic. I managed to fully explore 7.3 with ok item usage. Hurrah for the rebalance of these paths/nodes for the players who haven’t completed it.
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