Only hulk , his ability is by far the best in science class(In offense only) , others are good unduped . And you don't have to waste your ag for champs which you will use only in aw defence , so I will say save it for someone better in future , or use it on hulk.
Hulk for offensive purposes, Quake for Prestige (I don't recall her sig doing anything more than reflecting some blocked damage?). WW2 is also good, excellent for Dorm. No SM though, let's have fewer of him in this world.
IMO Hulk is the science champ that benefits the most from awakening. But Cap's ability is great too and YJ is much better duped because often the AI won't bait and you lose your power sting. Spider-Man sig is essential for defense and comes in handy when fighting intercept style.
Electro is squishy but his crits are glorious. If you have Cap, Hulk, YJ, and Spider-Man duped I'd consider awakening him.
Also Quake is good awakened or unawakened. I personally don't see her sig as game changing in any way but if you've got no one else then do it. That's what I did with my gem.
Spider-Gwen although loathed is actually much better duped with her double crit damage. Miles also has a neat signature. It's fun matching him up against certain classes and using his medium combo ender to Stun or Power Drain. He's really lame against Mystics and Mutants though. I think Fatigue is one of the most useless abilities in the game.
I don't think any other science is worth an awakening gem personally unless you just want to burn it.
Yeah but I'd still count them worthy of an awakening gem, mainly due to the fact that there aren't many good science champs in the first place
definitely quake, if you know how to use her you can take opponents down without even touching them
Maybe I need to learn about quake, I have her 5/50 and she's arena fodder and occasional war defence but she never gets any kills
I like YJ, but perhaps I’ve been spoiled by pulling him frequently enough that I wouldn’t burn a gem there.
AntMan is hobbled by the current AW scheme and flaccid offense.
Spidey benefits from evade, but that’s a nuisance on offense and no longer an asset in most war defense tiers.
Dr. Zola
Electro is squishy but his crits are glorious. If you have Cap, Hulk, YJ, and Spider-Man duped I'd consider awakening him.
Also Quake is good awakened or unawakened. I personally don't see her sig as game changing in any way but if you've got no one else then do it. That's what I did with my gem.
Spider-Gwen although loathed is actually much better duped with her double crit damage. Miles also has a neat signature. It's fun matching him up against certain classes and using his medium combo ender to Stun or Power Drain. He's really lame against Mystics and Mutants though. I think Fatigue is one of the most useless abilities in the game.
I don't think any other science is worth an awakening gem personally unless you just want to burn it.
Must be frustrating not having hulk in your roster