Hi I was wondering if these champions are good enough for act 5?

My champions are:
5* R4 Diablo
5* R3 Dragon Man
4* Duped R5 Hercules
4* R5 Doctor Doom
4* R5 Prof X
4* R5 Iron Man IW
4* Duped R5 Corvus Glaive
4* Duped R5 Void
4* R5 Cosmic Ghost Rider
4* Duped R5 Ghost
5* R4 Diablo
5* R3 Dragon Man
4* Duped R5 Hercules
4* R5 Doctor Doom
4* R5 Prof X
4* R5 Iron Man IW
4* Duped R5 Corvus Glaive
4* Duped R5 Void
4* R5 Cosmic Ghost Rider
4* Duped R5 Ghost
Congrats in advance on being Uncollected.
Most old timers here in this forum (me included) completed Act 5 and got UC with not only nothing higher than r3-r4 4* champs.... but also the pool of champs available then were objectively worse than what you have at your disposal now.
You'll get it done, no question about that.
Hercules will do great! bait heavies and wreck them! If you are finding certain fights tough, use wmags prefight on them. can even bring the 3* in.