Arena is still a joke. Will it ever change?

Will the setup of arena ever change? With all the mercs and everything else it’s basically just another game mode that’s pointless to players and more times than not a complete waste of time.
How does this get players motivated to play? I spent my entire week of vacation grinding arena.
Round 1 I did 18 mil and get #177. Round 2 I do 29.6 mil and do much worse in the rankings. As someone that already has all 4 rework champs duped it basically means my entire week was wasted on getting 1 sig level on a 5 star champ.

For me I’ve pretty much had it at this point unless something changes. Aq is meh in game with the what feels like pebbles from map 8 crystals. Aw is bugged every season. And all I have yet content wise to finish is act 6 and I’d rather do abyss again.
How does this get players motivated to play? I spent my entire week of vacation grinding arena.
Round 1 I did 18 mil and get #177. Round 2 I do 29.6 mil and do much worse in the rankings. As someone that already has all 4 rework champs duped it basically means my entire week was wasted on getting 1 sig level on a 5 star champ.

For me I’ve pretty much had it at this point unless something changes. Aq is meh in game with the what feels like pebbles from map 8 crystals. Aw is bugged every season. And all I have yet content wise to finish is act 6 and I’d rather do abyss again.
What I was meaning was the fact that I did 307 rounds in 1 arena meaning 921 fights in 3 days just in 1 arena and all I got out of it is 1k 6 star shards. 6 stars aren’t as rare as they used to be. I could’ve gotten the same amount of reward from less than an hour in this months side quest.
I can’t be the only one that feels this way.
We need a change to continue adapting the game but it means nothing when people just shrug their shoulders.
If im not wrong, that is by far the lowest ever. Nothing before has gone that low. Outliers happen randomly. Check the data before that and see if there is any other arena that has gone below 30 million.
Ive done grinds before, especially in basic. 29.7 isnt a safe score, even after a low scoring arena round.
If you had made the cut and got the rewards you wanted you would be happy wouldn’t you? Otherwise you wouldn’t have even started the first fight. So basically it’s bitterness that you didn’t make the cut.
It isn’t long ago at all that arena’s were revamped, and as much as I would make several changes and improvements, there are far more important things I believe the devs need to concentrate on.
You’re telling me you wouldn’t like to see them restructure the reward tiers in some regard at the current game meta?
So far responses have been “your first mistake was doing arena” and “what makes me think the end result would change?”
I’m not saying I have all the answers. I’m just saying change needs to happen for everyone. This isn’t just about this arena for me. I’ve been doing this **** going on 7 years so I know the risk. It just pisses me off that nothing changes with it. I’ve brought up posts before about a featured arena have a difference of 110mil just between a 6 and 5 star let alone the final score. Basic arenas pushing over 45-50mil when 5 and 6 stars equal the same? Then having only the top 100 obtain a 6 star for that effort. That’s basically the equivalent of 3 full alliances going for the champ. And there’s 1000+ other alliances. 6 stars aren’t rare anymore either. They should expand it out to 200-250 at least in this version of the game. 100 is not a decent structure for a “rerun” champ(s) with the amount of players still playing this game.
There's no guarantees in a blind competition.
6* champs are a lot easier to get in general. But they still aren't easy to target. If you just want 6* champs, the arena makes that easy. Just grind for shards, and you can get all the 6* champs you want. But if you want one specific champ, that's still an extremely valuable opportunity. The vast majority of the revenue of the game goes towards people hunting for champs through crystals. Targeting is valuable enough to fund a game that hundreds of thousands of people get to play completely for free. That's pretty valuable.
I find people asking for the number of award slots to be somewhat disingenuous. They often imply it would be better for the game as a whole if this number was increased. There are a million people playing this game plus or minus. 100 people get the featured 6* every cycle. 999900 don't. Decreasing that number to 999700 doesn't change the game at all. It makes 200 more people happy out of one million. It is an extremely narrow benefit for an extremely narrow slice of people. If they increase that number I'll take it (literally: I would probably be one of the people getting the 6* featured more often) but I wouldn't pretend that change was helping more than a handful of people including me.
There's lots of things I would do if I was in charge. I'd make alliance war less insane. I'd make challenge content more challenging. I'd make crystal conspiracies punishable by death. But saying the problem is the community doesn't just jump behind me and back me up would be presumptuous. The community doesn't exists to empower me to form a coup. Every member of the community has their own ideas and wants and desires, and most of them probably would sooner burn me at the stake than put me in charge. The community is composed of individuals who don't all agree. That's not a problem. That's just what we all are.
So please vent out your frustrations somewhere.
Strict actions including bans have been taken against the bots and mercs.
Its on you if you didn't get the cutoff!
We are stucked in Uncollected yet.
Also, dude, next time you have a week off get out of the house.
If you keep missing out on rewards and only the people with units can grind out the rewards by completely abandoning sleep and normal life, how will a lower rated player ever be able to make it to the top and advance ?
The fact that your have to give up on so much and there is no point threshold for guaranteed rewards makes it pointless to try. Cos no one has the patience to blindly grind 3 days of their life and then not get what they actually wanted to get. Seems like a very badly designed outcome.