6-4 Champion List

Without going through each individual champion on Joanna, is there a list anywhere on the web that has a current list of champs that are currently already a 6-4??
Before anyone says it, yes I have looked myself. However, I didn't see one. Thanks in advance if anyone knows and shares!
Before anyone says it, yes I have looked myself. However, I didn't see one. Thanks in advance if anyone knows and shares!
if so it would be almost impossible to say every single players rank 4 if they have one
Can try looking at various Duel Target lists, although since they added dueling your own champs those such lists are no longer a priority to be kept up to date.
Or, asking what all are various r4 champs that people have been taking up to r4 (probably a relatively short list), although I’m sure there are always exceptions to standard thought process, and some will be ranking up “odd-ball” exceptions just because they want to be a contrarian or they just like playing with a certain lesser-used champ.
Yes. I'm closing in on my first 6-4 and was curious of who isn't one.
I really like Punisher2099 and YJ a lot.