Grandmaster's Gauntlet Return Date

Previously we've been told, that Grandmaster's Gauntlet will return. More than 7-8 months passed, and there is no glimpse of that quest's returning, and there is a ton of players that are waiting for it because they couldn't complete it when it first came out.
Can we get at least approximate date of this quest's returning? Thank you
Previously we've been told, that Grandmaster's Gauntlet will return. More than 7-8 months passed, and there is no glimpse of that quest's returning, and there is a ton of players that are waiting for it because they couldn't complete it when it first came out.
Can we get at least approximate date of this quest's returning? Thank you
Regardless of how much a player has done, I’d at least consider it worthwhile to test how much my account has progressed if things like those quests popped up more regularly.
But I don’t know if it puts unnecessary strain on the servers, the team, the rest of the game.
Just interested in a reply…
Dr. Zola
What prevents us getting Gauntlet style content frequently are two bottlenecks. The first one is developer speed. They simply can't make new quarterly gauntlets. This is not a trivial problem to solve, even if you were willing to hire more bodies to make that content. Dev pipelines simple don't scale that way. That's problem one.
Problem two: the game can't handle four times the amount of Gauntlet rewards. It just can't. How do I know? Because if it could, Gauntlet would have had them. Rewards are budgeted over time, and there's no way to accommodate huge increases in higher tier rewards. So even if we could get tons of end game tier content released per year, the actual amount of rewards would have to be spread out among all of it. You might be able to swing a small increase, but not a several times increase.
(I should say, when I talk about "Gauntlet rewards" I'm referring not to the literal amount of rewards, but the proportional amount of rewards such content contains relative to the time in which it is released. Abyss rewards were huge at release, but they are more moderate today because higher reward tiers have come out since then. New Gauntlet-like content would probably have higher rewards than Gauntlet originally did because it would be relative to today's reward levels, but this talks about scaling beyond that. Whatever you think Gauntlet's rewards would scale to today, the problem is trying to flood the game with four times *that* much rewards).
There are ways to theoretically streamline the dev requirements to make end game content. But there's no way around the reward limits. If the devs believed the end game players would accept challenge content without proportional rewards, just for the entertainment value, I believe they might try to see if there was a solution to the dev resource barrier. But I don't think they do, and I don't think I do either, so trying to work around those limits would be valueless.
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
It’s not going to take them 12 months to pick 10 bosses, give them some nodes that’ll make them hard but not total BS and give a chunk of 6* shards and T5B.
Players complain if there is content, if there isn’t content, if the content that there is is too easy or hard and if the rewards are poor or too good. I’d say I probably fall into the majority of end game players by saying that it’d be nice to just have the option of doing some interesting champion and node combinations, most of whom don’t complain when mid-tier content is put out for mid tier players.
If Kabam have a bottleneck in releasing content then they need to revise their processes because releasing content is what their business model is built on because that’s what generates them revenue.
This then makes these whole 6 paragraphs obsolete - they can enable more rewards if they wanted, difference is they want to lock them behind ££/$$
Saying if they can do it there they can do it everywhere else is sort of missing the point of budgeting. Spending here doesn't mean you can spend there. Usually, it is the reverse. The gifting event is not rewards on top of the game that are exempt from the rules, they are part *of* the game that all resource balancing must account for.
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola