An Open Letter to Kabam

Dear Kabam
I just want to say that I still enjoy this game very much, and as a long time player there is a few changes I would like to see.
As this is an open letter I invite the community to contribute in the comments and give your input.
I'll start with a few positives I like.
- Permanent Gold boost in Crystals.
- The Side quests that are a monthly fixture now
- Champion reworks are being done
- Nexus Crystals
- Cav monthly quest node interactions with different champion classes.
Now a few things I do not like.
- Cav Crystals. As a TB player I really think it's time that Kabam introduced a TB crystal. There is nothing I hate more than getting 3* champions. The shards and ISO really is underwhelming. So a TB crystal with 4,5 and 6*s and 5,6* nexus crystals and legendary and mystic Crystal would be nice.
- Cav quest rewards. Okay im happy with the exploration rewards but the path rewards really need a look at. Tier 1 iso really is not good. And add some units too. Really make the cav quest a must do quest for us. Maybe throw in a different title too.
- The OG Champs need to be looked at first. I really do not understand why these Champs are being overlooked. I'd love to see OG cap and OG Iron man or OG Hulk getting a overhaul. Then also there are Champs that really really need to be looked at. Guys like Groot, Superior Iron man, Iron Fist, DPX and Beast to name a few. I am glad that Joe Fixit and OG BP got buffed. I would also like if instead of only giving Champs new buffs and abilities just give them a new animation. I don't know how much work that entails but it's exciting to test a new champ and they have new animations! Maybe bring back the pre 12.0 Champs 😉
Overall I just feel that Kabam needs to make the game better for the free to play players as well. Make them feel good when they grind out units to conquer end game content with rewards that feel worth the effort. It's concerning that some of the top players and players I know that have played a long time just lose interest, keep them interested.
The SOP and Grandmasters Gauntlet was a win and more content like that let's say every semester would make it worth it. Maybe make it permanent content that gives people something to plan for and do when there are dry spells.
Raid battles will also be a nice alliance event that can be introduced. Maybe after AW seasons are done make a big boss with a massive healthpool for 72h and make alliance members fight him and work out a scoring system like Gold, Sil and Plat for whatever.
I also think that Duping a 5 and 6 star should give more Iso than 4 star. Maybe bump it to the next tier iso. Ranking a 6 star really eats iso. Duping a 6 star should also have something extra. I know in the future if we get 7 star Champs there will be shards for that when duping a 6 star, but until then throw in some cav shards or something. Then also it's time to bring in dual class 6 star crystals.
Please take a look at the black iso market, look it's not bad but I feel it just lacks that little to make it really worth buying each month, if it's really really good I think more people will buy it.
It's time for new masteries as well. Design some new spicy ones.
To end this I would just like to say I really still enjoy playing this game and like all game and things in life it has to evolve. Kabam listen to your community, if they stay happy they will keep this game going on.
Thanks and I would like everyones thoughts and suggestions that they want to add.
I just want to say that I still enjoy this game very much, and as a long time player there is a few changes I would like to see.
As this is an open letter I invite the community to contribute in the comments and give your input.
I'll start with a few positives I like.
- Permanent Gold boost in Crystals.
- The Side quests that are a monthly fixture now
- Champion reworks are being done
- Nexus Crystals
- Cav monthly quest node interactions with different champion classes.
Now a few things I do not like.
- Cav Crystals. As a TB player I really think it's time that Kabam introduced a TB crystal. There is nothing I hate more than getting 3* champions. The shards and ISO really is underwhelming. So a TB crystal with 4,5 and 6*s and 5,6* nexus crystals and legendary and mystic Crystal would be nice.
- Cav quest rewards. Okay im happy with the exploration rewards but the path rewards really need a look at. Tier 1 iso really is not good. And add some units too. Really make the cav quest a must do quest for us. Maybe throw in a different title too.
- The OG Champs need to be looked at first. I really do not understand why these Champs are being overlooked. I'd love to see OG cap and OG Iron man or OG Hulk getting a overhaul. Then also there are Champs that really really need to be looked at. Guys like Groot, Superior Iron man, Iron Fist, DPX and Beast to name a few. I am glad that Joe Fixit and OG BP got buffed. I would also like if instead of only giving Champs new buffs and abilities just give them a new animation. I don't know how much work that entails but it's exciting to test a new champ and they have new animations! Maybe bring back the pre 12.0 Champs 😉
Overall I just feel that Kabam needs to make the game better for the free to play players as well. Make them feel good when they grind out units to conquer end game content with rewards that feel worth the effort. It's concerning that some of the top players and players I know that have played a long time just lose interest, keep them interested.
The SOP and Grandmasters Gauntlet was a win and more content like that let's say every semester would make it worth it. Maybe make it permanent content that gives people something to plan for and do when there are dry spells.
Raid battles will also be a nice alliance event that can be introduced. Maybe after AW seasons are done make a big boss with a massive healthpool for 72h and make alliance members fight him and work out a scoring system like Gold, Sil and Plat for whatever.
I also think that Duping a 5 and 6 star should give more Iso than 4 star. Maybe bump it to the next tier iso. Ranking a 6 star really eats iso. Duping a 6 star should also have something extra. I know in the future if we get 7 star Champs there will be shards for that when duping a 6 star, but until then throw in some cav shards or something. Then also it's time to bring in dual class 6 star crystals.
Please take a look at the black iso market, look it's not bad but I feel it just lacks that little to make it really worth buying each month, if it's really really good I think more people will buy it.
It's time for new masteries as well. Design some new spicy ones.
To end this I would just like to say I really still enjoy playing this game and like all game and things in life it has to evolve. Kabam listen to your community, if they stay happy they will keep this game going on.
Thanks and I would like everyones thoughts and suggestions that they want to add.
IMO I want them to complete the work on the input controls first, and then start releasing more content. This issue is the most important thing facing Kabam and the players. I don't want to try to dex 7.4 defenders with that input still screwy louie, and I'm hoping they release a fix in March, which is what I think they promised.
2. Cav quest rewards. Originally, the only substantive rewards were in completion and exploration. In between you got basically nothing. People suggested that players should get something for those path runs, so the devs added rewards to those paths. But they *removed* those rewards from completion and exploration to put them there. The rewards for quests are themselves fairly fixed. They change over time, but only extremely slowly. So if you want more rewards in the paths, they will come from somewhere. People complained when the completion and exploration rewards were adjusted to accommodate the path rewards, so those are unlikely to be boosted even more.
3. OG champ updates. In my opinion, there's two things going on here. First of all, there are lots of champions that people feel need a buff, and honestly everyone draws a circle around the ones that they want to be updated but haven't been updated yet and claims they are being neglected. People would be saying that no matter which champions were updated. Second, many of the champs people consider "OG" are among the oldest champions. The early champion designs were very simple: they had very few abilities and limited utility (or what we would today call utility). That makes them ironically difficult to update, because there's nothing to update. Most of those champs don't need updates, they need complete revamps. Not just completely new abilities, but even in many cases completely new champion concepts. That makes them more difficult to work on, because there's more work, more developers with different disciplines involved, and almost certainly more Marvel oversight and approval required.
If you have a long list of champions to update, and one of them will take four months and three hundred hours of developer time and another one will take six months and five hundred hours of time, then all other things being equal you will tend to work on the one that can be completed quicker, to get more of them out the door.