Leaning towards weapon X since the chances of duping him naturally are slim to none but Colossus is mighty tempting.
If you are gonna use him then go ahead But if you don't then gem have better candidates. Using gem on champ solely that he/she's trophy champ absolute waste of resources imo. But everyone are free whatever they wanna do with their respective account
But if you wanna play in high tier or serious about the roster needs for future content then save the gem for better champ
Just ask yourself what would be the most Effective use? Seriously though, it depends on how much you like the champ. Awakening gems will become more common, though you may not get another mutant gem for a long time. What good mutant champs do you already have awakened?
I decided on X and took him up. He's can be a pain on defense as well. That's the rest of the 6* Mutants I have and plenty of r5 5*s. Kitty would be the only one that I don't have that'd be worth it. I'll definitely use him In quests paired with Omega and ST whom he has nice synergy with the latter. Thanks for all the input.
But if you don't then gem have better candidates.
Using gem on champ solely that he/she's trophy champ absolute waste of resources imo. But everyone are free whatever they wanna do with their respective account
But if you wanna play in high tier or serious about the roster needs for future content then save the gem for better champ
I decided on X and took him up. He's can be a pain on defense as well. That's the rest of the 6* Mutants I have and plenty of r5 5*s. Kitty would be the only one that I don't have that'd be worth it. I'll definitely use him In quests paired with Omega and ST whom he has nice synergy with the latter.
Thanks for all the input.