Did you receive the war correction mail?

Hey everyone, recently Kabam sent out a war correction mail to people for the loss of a few wars and some problems during the season. I would like to know if there is a prerequisite to getting the war corrections. To further elaborate I left my alliance 2 wars before the war season was over, I was unable to update the game so I couldn't get in, I installed the game on another device that wasn't mine informed them about my situation and left. Later on I found out I couldn't update the game cause I hadn't updated my personal phone software, which after doing the game began to function once more again, I joined back by the end of the season and have been with them eversince. I would like to know if this little problem not a fault of Kabam but mine entirely for not updating my device caused me not to qualify for the war corrections you were supposed to receive weather you were in the alliance or not. Thank you.


  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,393 Guardian
    You needed to receive alliance season rewards to also get the war compensation package, because the war compensation package was based on which season rewards you received. If you did not receive any alliance war season rewards, you won't receive the compensation adjustment package either.

    Leaving the alliance before the end of the season would have disqualified you for season rewards. You have to participate in at least five wars with your current alliance to qualify. Leaving an alliance and then joining an alliance restarts the counter at zero, even if the alliance you join is the same alliance. So unfortunately, given the way you describe your situation, you aren't going to get either season rewards or the compensation rewards.

    Because the problem was a technical problem, you could try to open a support ticket and explain your situation. They are under no obligation to give you these rewards, but there's no harm in trying. The worst thing that can happen is they can say no.
  • SkFBigJSkFBigJ Member Posts: 12
    No but my brother never got the envolope from yesterday what do we do about it
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