Should MCoC Have an in game Trading System?

I'm curious about thoughts on this... so it's poll time!
I have played other mobile games with an in game trade system and I thought they were brilliant. You could post a "wanted" ad or an "offer" ad with what you were willing to trade, the first person to respond got the deal. You couldn't do a direct trade with a single user, preventing abuse, and everyone in game could get involved. Do you guys believe MCoC would benefit from this?
An example of how it would work would be something a kin to posting an offer of 1 million gold for 500 units. The first person to reply with 500 units would get that 1 million gold.
I would suggest keeping the offers first come first serve without haggling, as some could use a bartering system as a loop hole for abuse. (IE posting a ridiculous offer, then making a deal with their alt account). Having open offers only would immediately prevent such abuse.
I have played other mobile games with an in game trade system and I thought they were brilliant. You could post a "wanted" ad or an "offer" ad with what you were willing to trade, the first person to respond got the deal. You couldn't do a direct trade with a single user, preventing abuse, and everyone in game could get involved. Do you guys believe MCoC would benefit from this?
An example of how it would work would be something a kin to posting an offer of 1 million gold for 500 units. The first person to reply with 500 units would get that 1 million gold.
I would suggest keeping the offers first come first serve without haggling, as some could use a bartering system as a loop hole for abuse. (IE posting a ridiculous offer, then making a deal with their alt account). Having open offers only would immediately prevent such abuse.
Should MCoC Have an in game Trading System? 70 votes
29 votes
41 votes
Basically, No. It wouldn't be a good idea
I'm talking about taking the abuse ability out of it. Have you ever played sim city build it? They do what I described here.. you post an ad and the community can respond to it. The community would set values this way, and you could almost never trade with yourself... if you post a ridiculous offer it would either be claimed right away if it helped the other party, or completely ignored if it only helped yourself.
I am actually quite surprised by people not liking this idea.
Just out of curiosity.. did you even read the post? The system I suggested would negate quite literally everything u said there lol
Easy.. the community. The system I am suggesting is the one sim city currently uses (or did when I played it lol)... quite literally within moments of a deal being offered it would be claimed. Our community is larger than sim city build it I believe... so it would happen even faster. If the offer is silly, it would hurt either your account or the alt account and thus.. police itself.
To be able to cheat a system like this you would have to have perfect timing and extreme speed.. I actually tried it once with a buddy on sim city.. it was impossible.
Well I just proved your list of things wrong with a real world example... could you give me any others?
Can't people just trade between their accounts using two devices and is it even necessarily wrong that they shouldn't? You can already gift between accounts.
My issue with the trading system is the possibility that it could be abused with a black market economy. You sort out a trade with someone that is so unattractive that no-one else will take it, but you negotiate different terms outside of the game i.e. pay me real money
No, they cannot, that's the point of the system I am suggesting. Could it theoretically be possible? Sure.. nothing is perfect. But to achieve that loop hole they would have to be lightning fast. As I said I actually tried this with a buddy to test exactly that out.. we could not do it.
Once an item is posted for trade, the entire community would be able to accept the offer. Could you beat 1 million other people? Sure technically its possible.. but severely improbable.
Ironically the gift system is much easier to abuse than my suggestion here and we already have that lol
I could outline reasons, but I'm not interested in debating ad nauseum. The game is built on working for Resources for Accounts, by Accounts. Besides the obvious fair play issues, because I'm not convinced that system would be safe from the issues I've outlined, there is also the fact that it defeats the purpose of working for them. The security risks are there. I'm not convinced the possibility of selling Resources is not thwarted by that idea. Nor do I see it as impossible to boost one Account with the other. It's possible. The server is not likely capable of that system would be another reason, along with the fact that Resources are statistically tracked and limited for overall balance. From what I remember, there was once an Auction, and it led to several problems. To be perfectly honest, I think the idea invites all kinds of issues.
I would assume it's not possible to trade champs as it would cause over lapping issues. (IE trading a champ they already have). However I can happily address the merit of your point...
In the real world case it would be someone posting something like 2 level 1 health potions for 1000 units. You are correct, no one is going to take that offer. If someone did, it would probably send a red flag to the mods, who would then review it for abuse. If they accounts are connected, they could be banned as an exploiter. This is a much tougher thing to accomplish than the current ability to use alll your units in your alt account to send gift to your main account right now though.
I am a bit perplexed.. did you just have my reply to this deleted somehow? I asked if you could give me a real answer other than "I think" or "I believe" because I had already provided you with a real world answer to your questions that you've seemingly just dismissed. Did you have this deleted?
"don't have much room to argue with factual basis"? Huh? I've told you 3-4 times now a game called sim city build it has this exact format and it works without issue. Are you willfully not reading this? lol
Okay, first question, if you don't involve champion trading in your system what is the point of it. Trading items are pointless because you can just buy them and people selling them for less than what they bought them for would just be stupid. If you meant that people trade resources like gold for units wouldn't kabam just implementing a straight up unit to resource converting system be better since it has no chance to be abused? Secondly, there would be no way for kabam to create an algorithm that fairly detects abuse of your proposed system. The sheer amount of offers that would go up alone and be taken would make it near impossible to accurately track . Besides that trading, there would be people taking advantage of new players that don't know much about the game and give them "deals" that are horrible but they might still take. These deals would be flagged and kabam would ban them but the new player did not do anything wrong. Finally, trading between accounts is not the only problem, the biggest problem, in fact, would be the off game market that would effectively ruin the game