Dragonman or Longshot

Disgruntled_User_123Disgruntled_User_123 Member Posts: 1,108 ★★★
edited March 2022 in Strategy and Tips
Are either of them worthy of Rank 3? Which do you prefer more? Please explain why.

Dragonman or Longshot 17 votes

EtjamaEwell65SSS69RenaxqqJoshKosh557ZAHIDMALIK1588GrassKnucklesRiptide368SammyDe 8 votes
Malreck04dot_ditto0casual0ChatterofforumsDracarusScrubhanSpadeofacesRatedSViperYuvraj_267 9 votes


  • EtherealityEthereality Member Posts: 685 ★★★
    edited March 2022
    It depends on who are your other mystics. I say this because imho I am of the school of thought that your first high rank Mystics should be of the traditional kind, meaning that they can reliably nullify/stagger on demand, because that's the main purpose why you usually being Mystics in regular questing. By "traditional" Mystic I am specially referring to Doom, BWCV, SymSupreme, SorcSupreme and Diablo (cuz of nullify pre-fight, bit in a lesser degree than the first four). Once you have one or two of your traditional Mystics as 5/65 or R3, then you can go ahead and rank less traditional Mystics for fun

    Dragon Man, because of his playstyle and abilities, is pretty much the most atypical Mystic there is, but this is not a bad thing, he's definitely R3 worthy. But again, he shouldn't be a priority if you don't already have a couple of traditional Mystics. Longshot is also fun, but his nullify (fate seal) is behind his sp2 so depending on node he might not always be able to fulfill your basic mystic duties in a straightforward way.

    If you have indeed traditional Mystics ranked, then between Longshot and Dragon, I'd go for Dragon, but that's just me. I R2'd mine after having Doom, BWCV and SymSupreme as 5/65 and he's super fun to play with. I'll R3 once I have two traditional Mystics as R3. Already did Doom, and Tigra (non-traditional) , my third R3 might be BWCV or Sigil Witch . Then maybe I'll R3 DragonMan as my fourth or fifth R3 mystic
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