Third time and probably third disappointment

If she's just adjusting numbers again, it's going to be another disappointment. She needs a better way to keep the furies and cruelties, than to refresh the heavy attack, she had to pause the bonuses while attacking the opponent.
The true strike is too short after S3.
It needs a moderate update.
1/5 Utility.
3/5 Damage (takes a long time to scale the damage and can lose all the building at once if it fails to land the heavy attack).
2/5 Sustainability.
3/5 Ease of use.
1/5 AW defender.
Give her a way to carry them over fight to fight. Or at least lock them for the current fight.
Ability updates most likely means a few minor tweaks and a minor change or two. At least, that’s what it should be.
Hopefully this buff is worthy so we finally have a good Guardian to use sometimes.
The worst in the game were Groot, Joe Fixit and Juggernaut. Joe Fixit had a buff, dropped out of the worst list and is in the middle of the list.
can't wait to see what she gets.
There's nothing useful in the Super-Skrull kit.
For Nebula it's useless, it would be nice if the shock debuffs became passive with synergy.
For Gamora to improve the skill reduction on robots, even with the bonuses, the reduction is still weak.