What problem is the arena quick fill feature trying to solve?

Man_BatMan_Bat Member Posts: 332 ★★
I'm a moderate arena grinder and I don't get what problem the arena quick fill feature is trying to solve. Populating the boxes with the three top available champs is no effort; in fact, the quick fill puts the champs in the wrong order for my taste.

What I'd really like is for requesting help to be automatic. That would actually solve a problem, namely what's been called the second arena grind.


  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    It's an awesome change. While I like goingg for synergies, they're few and far between the champs i have that need it. It helps so much time having to wade through all the help needed champs
  • The_man001The_man001 Member Posts: 624 ★★★
    I never grind arena. And i like this quick fill saves a lot of time.
  • Mario33Mario33 Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    I love that addition to the game. Just 2 clicks and your battle is ready, awesome. Btw i hope they will add quick help button too so we can send them to help board quickly 😊
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    What problem did the inventors of cars try to solve? I mean we all got 2 perfectly working legs that can get us to destination...
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,835 ★★★★★
    edited March 2022

    It’s awesome and synergy’s aren’t needed. But to your point I think it’d be cool if you would create auto-fill prefight teams for each type of arena. Almost like building an alliance war or quest deck.

    For example if their were ten teams max you could put in. Each row would have 3 champ slots. So 30 champions could be selected for each arena before going back to auto filling.

    Either way it’s definitely an improvement from before!!

    I always bring teams with synergy to boost up my PI and don’t even use the auto fill option. If the goal was quickening up the Arena, I’d much rather get rid of Help altogether or have the game auto-ask-for-help since I think that wastes more time than anything else.

  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,402 Guardian
    Man_Bat said:

    I'm a moderate arena grinder and I don't get what problem the arena quick fill feature is trying to solve. Populating the boxes with the three top available champs is no effort; in fact, the quick fill puts the champs in the wrong order for my taste.

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  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,691 Guardian
    Man_Bat said:

    I'm a moderate arena grinder and I don't get what problem the arena quick fill feature is trying to solve. Populating the boxes with the three top available champs is no effort; in fact, the quick fill puts the champs in the wrong order for my taste.

    DNA3000 said:


    thepiggy said:

    Think he means it can't auto fill synergies.

    Nope (although that may indeed be wanted by a lot of ppl).
    Think they mean (wrong order) that you would typically want the stronger of your 3 champs at the bottom position.
    Especially when auto-fill gets to a point where some of your 3 have crossed down one rank from your first 1 or 2 are.
    You'd want your Rank-5 to be on the bottom in that match, with your Rank-4 champ to be on the top so it gets matched against the potentially weaker one of your opponents 3 champs in the matchup.

    Of course you could just move the arrangement around yourself (1st slot swap with 3rd spot) after the auto-fill picked them. But why not have Auto-fill be just a little bit smarter to begin with.
  • K00shMaanK00shMaan Member Posts: 1,289 ★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Man_Bat said:

    I'm a moderate arena grinder and I don't get what problem the arena quick fill feature is trying to solve. Populating the boxes with the three top available champs is no effort; in fact, the quick fill puts the champs in the wrong order for my taste.

    I think this is similar to my opinion on it too. I know how many rounds I want to do in Arena. Take the Basic Arena. I only use 5 Stars, I generally do 3 sets of 13 rounds. 13 rounds is my top 39 PI 5 Stars. This will get me 4M points and all the milestones. But this only works if I start with the lowest PI out of those 39 Champions and work my way up. If I go the other way around, it will take 41-42 rounds total instead of 39. And this problem can't be solved by inverting your sort order.

    However, doing it with autofill now is just literally faster per round by a few seconds so the combined time is probably a wash whichever way you choose to do it.
  • Man_BatMan_Bat Member Posts: 332 ★★

    Man_Bat said:

    I'm a moderate arena grinder and I don't get what problem the arena quick fill feature is trying to solve. Populating the boxes with the three top available champs is no effort; in fact, the quick fill puts the champs in the wrong order for my taste.

    DNA3000 said:


    thepiggy said:

    Think he means it can't auto fill synergies.

    Nope (although that may indeed be wanted by a lot of ppl).
    Think they mean (wrong order) that you would typically want the stronger of your 3 champs at the bottom position.
    Especially when auto-fill gets to a point where some of your 3 have crossed down one rank from your first 1 or 2 are.
    You'd want your Rank-5 to be on the bottom in that match, with your Rank-4 champ to be on the top so it gets matched against the potentially weaker one of your opponents 3 champs in the matchup.

    Of course you could just move the arrangement around yourself (1st slot swap with 3rd spot) after the auto-fill picked them. But why not have Auto-fill be just a little bit smarter to begin with.
    @SummonerNR your interpretation is correct. I should have been clearer in the first place.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,691 Guardian
    K00shMaan said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Man_Bat said:

    I'm a moderate arena grinder and I don't get what problem the arena quick fill feature is trying to solve. Populating the boxes with the three top available champs is no effort; in fact, the quick fill puts the champs in the wrong order for my taste.

    I think this is similar to my opinion on it too. I know how many rounds I want to do in Arena. Take the Basic Arena. I only use 5 Stars, I generally do 3 sets of 13 rounds. 13 rounds is my top 39 PI 5 Stars. This will get me 4M points and all the milestones. But this only works if I start with the lowest PI out of those 39 Champions and work my way up. If I go the other way around, it will take 41-42 rounds total instead of 39. And this problem can't be solved by inverting your sort order.

    However, doing it with autofill now is just literally faster per round by a few seconds so the combined time is probably a wash whichever way you choose to do it.
    This would only be needed for the first set of rounds (going in reverse order), but could be accomplished by toggling filter to reverse the order of strength/prestige. But in that case, most people would have more than just 13 matches worth, and would be auto filling with too many of your lowest champs so you’d still have to manually do some of those around 11-14 matches.

    Unless they added a minimum rank type of filter, so say filter just Rank-3 and above. And then you could also reverse the Strength order while filtering only R3 and above.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,233 ★★★★
    edited March 2022
    It can save time, but mostly it is to reduce lag from scrolling. That is my opinion. Really wouldn't need it if the game didn't hose up every few rows of champs and open the champs info/use items/rank page on every other champ you touched before it froze.
    Same when swapping champs it freezes and goes to the champ info.
  • Man_BatMan_Bat Member Posts: 332 ★★
    I tried hitting Quick Fill and then reversing the top and bottom champ so that they're in ascending order by PI/rank but it doesn't work: you can't reorder champs once they're selected.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,691 Guardian
    Man_Bat said:

    I tried hitting Quick Fill and then reversing the top and bottom champ so that they're in ascending order by PI/rank but it doesn't work: you can't reorder champs once they're selected.

    So once the auto-fill has picked your 3 champs, you can’t arrange then to avoid something like your Corvus against opponent Ebony Maw type of matchup ? Or your Mystic champ vs opponent Human Torch.

    Haven’t tried that, but I hope that is not true.
    You should still be able to arrange what head-2-head matchups your 3 champs will fight (whether for just small benefits like Class Advantages, or at worst some type of really bad matchup like those above)

    Unless you mean the Sort Order/Filtering of already auto-picked champs. The Sort Order I meant was doing in the Filter/Sorting BEFORE the auto-picks routine starts to do it's job.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,402 Guardian
    Man_Bat said:

    I tried hitting Quick Fill and then reversing the top and bottom champ so that they're in ascending order by PI/rank but it doesn't work: you can't reorder champs once they're selected.

    You can reorder them once you've selected a match.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,402 Guardian
    Rap said:

    It can save time, but mostly it is to reduce lag from scrolling. That is my opinion. Really wouldn't need it if the game didn't hose up every few rows of champs and open the champs info/use items/rank page on every other champ you touched before it froze.
    Same when swapping champs it freezes and goes to the champ info.

    It was added as a QoL feature to reduce the amount of time players spent in the arena not actually fighting, as the mode is a grind mode and streamlining the UI flow of the mode was seen as a nice-to-have. Of course, different people select their teams in different ways and the game can't support them all, so the way it does it now was seen as a reasonable attempt to fit most of players requirements at least some of the time.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,691 Guardian
    edited March 2022
    DNA3000 said:

    Man_Bat said:

    I tried hitting Quick Fill and then reversing the top and bottom champ so that they're in ascending order by PI/rank but it doesn't work: you can't reorder champs once they're selected.

    You can reorder them once you've selected a match.
    Yep, just tried, and you CAN reorder (drag 1st champ onto 3rd champ to swap them), once you have chosen your summoner opponent team from the 3 different summoner team choices.

    Think he was trying to swap that order (switch 1st and 3rd champs so strongest is at bottom) while he was still on the original Auto-Fill (your own champ) selection screen.

    Have to go 2 more screens into the process, then you can swap the order of your weakest/strongest (or to get favorable class matchup, etc).

    (way back when we were all young Padawans, like maybe 50k player rating, I remember someone in the alliance saying “wow, never knew you could drag your 3-champ order around to get better matchups”. Lol)
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,402 Guardian

    (way back when we were all young Padawans, like maybe 50k player rating, I remember someone in the alliance saying “wow, never knew you could drag your 3-champ order around to get better matchups”. Lol)

    Pretty sure we've all been there.
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,105 ★★★★★
    one of the best quality of life updates ever, fantastic
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,749 ★★★★★
    It really is a pretty nice quality of life update. Saves time and frustration scrolling to find and drag your next champs. And I really don't get why some people are so upset about the synergies thing, it really, Really doesn't matter at all in arenas.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,402 Guardian
    Searmenis said:

    It really is a pretty nice quality of life update. Saves time and frustration scrolling to find and drag your next champs. And I really don't get why some people are so upset about the synergies thing, it really, Really doesn't matter at all in arenas.

    In theory, it does matter. In practice, it generally isn't worth the trouble. If the game could automagically calculate the absolute best arena order on the fly and auto place your champions in that order, my guess is you might see a 10-15% increase in points. But a human being isn't going to know what the optimum order is in generral, and isn't going to be able to place them in that sequence instantly. I would be surprised if a human could squeeze even 5% more points out of the arena per unit time placing in some kind of synergy optimized order, at the expense of a much higher mental load while running the arena. That mental load would make it harder to sustain arena grinding for most people.
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,916 ★★★★★
    This feature is nice to have, just depends on your own grinding behaviour. I only tried few times and didn’t use again becoz I’m preferring synergy team of my own choice and I almost have a fixed teams in arena grind, no matter it is 20 rounds or 200 rounds. This feature may be useful for me if I have to achieve speed grind like those 1m points target for 2* champs etc.
  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    It's great. Saved a lot of time for me.
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