Need Urgent help! ”Android Server shut down“

One of my alliance mate, who just completed Carina 2.0 and got 2nd Rank 4 champion, got a mail said"CN MCOC Android Server will be shut down in 2 months".
Pls help, is there any solutions to avoid losing the account???

Pls help, is there any solutions to avoid losing the account???

The account won`t be lost if the android servers do shut down. You would just have to switch to iOS.
A message from the game team
Have read
Hello, Summoner.
We sincerely thank you all for your continued support and love for "Marvel: Super Contest", thanks to the cooperation with the developers to
Period, I am sorry to inform you that "Marvel: Super Contest" Android national server will be suspended at 11:00 am on May 20, 2022
stop operation.
%social contact
From now on, the download portal of the official Android platform and the game registration and recharge functions have been closed.
The following perks have started and will continue until the server shuts down.
Items that can be claimed will expire after 23:58 in 29 days.
Go now!
2. There was a post from PRC player talking about take down of MCOC from PRC App Store, now it is just the same on Android platform;
3. Switch around measures by PRC players (and Russian players): VPN, VPN and VPN.
Will alliance mates in China no longer be able to play?
What is the purpose behind whatever here is happening?
Are we anticipating there be more countries impacted in the near future?