Getting kicked out alliance before season rewards

Guys I was just wondering if this game could do something about getting kicked out before u get season rewards even when u have over 5 wars participated in for example mcoc should make a thing where if someone is in a clan and qualifies for season rewards and then gets kicked out they should still get season rewards especially if there’s not enough time to be able to participate in 5 wars
So until kabam updates the alliance system with either a strike system or a majority vote enabled boot, you're going to be at the mercy of leadership.
Then they can take their own sweet time, make sure no bans/etc are warranted, before actually giving out the rewards.
Once the initial Data Capture is complete (keep in mind higher alliances start/end somewhat earlier than do the lower alliances, based on time window that Matches are found), people would be free to move about, get kicked, bring new ppl in, etc, well before the actual Season Rewards are issued.
But if you can have your Leader submit a Kabam Support ticket, and explain situation, then “maybe” they will still give you season rewards.