Delve into Temporal Heist Rifts with Black Cat this April!



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  • Standardman1989Standardman1989 Member Posts: 578 ★★★
    The 2 week its awful :/
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,446 ★★★★
    5 out of my 7 Legendary runs for week 2 were 5* sig stones, not exactly excited about that.
  • Antony687Antony687 Member Posts: 87
    As for a beginner,the game is too slow to progress when compared to other mobile games, if the rewards would be better in a event such as rifts which will help beginners like me. Great game but the heart losses confidence when i see my roaster and see champs like Groot (my fav from comics) to be sitting there and me cursing him. Hope the game team look forward in improving champs and help fellow summoners.
  • SorexSenpaiSorexSenpai Member Posts: 15
    Hey i got a bug with the keys i had 3 used two of them on week 3 and then went to use my 3rd one it showed 1 key above but it didnt let me enter the gate... I checked my inventory and i had it then i restarted my game and i lost the key and im stuck in the quest now... so i lost 1.3 k six star shards..
  • SorexSenpaiSorexSenpai Member Posts: 15
    Cant upload the video I took but here’s a screenshot
  • SorexSenpaiSorexSenpai Member Posts: 15

  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,446 ★★★★
    About 80-90% of my Legendary and Epic runs were for 5* sig stones. I'm not talking about the rewards from the objectives, but just from the standpoint of the rewards from doing the actual rift runs themselves it was not at all exciting or appealing.

    I think 5* sig stones are some of the worst rewards we could get for that and I don't think they should have had such a high percentage chance of being what we got and they also seemed to be selected for me at a higher frequency than the posted odds showed (I know it is RNG but my luck with these rift events is almost always garbage). I know we got 4 free chances to select our paths and they sold 4 more for what I consider too high a price but in the future I think we should have much more control over the specific rewards we are going for for free than just 4 out of 28 (or more if you count the lower difficulty runs too).
  • Morpheus_123Morpheus_123 Member Posts: 792 ★★★
    Does anyone have a link to the monthly event quest announcement for April, I can't find it and am trying to see if the time attack challenge is still active or whether I have missed the window to do it?

    The monthly event info is usually together with the side event stuff, but can't find it. Thanks.
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