The T4CC Conundrum

I'm going to start with a compliment. Thank you Kabam for lowering the glory store costs and increasing the quantity available. It's nice to not always run out of basic rank-up equipment when I have a full t5cc waiting to be used for my Hyperion. I'm a thronebreaker, I recently completed Act 7, the Kang was a fun boss fight, don't judge me I liked it. I just have one problem, t4cc availability. The fact is, t5cc has become more accessible than t4cc. You need 1 t5cc for a rank 3 but 8 t4cc for a rank 3. A lot of t5cc is coming in the form of sectors, which is amazing THANK YOU! I could never have ranked Shang-Chi, Mister Negative, Nimrod, and Sorcerer Supreme without the selectors. I just wish we could get less of the t4cc RNGesus and RNGarunteed value with t4cc selectors. If the glory store offered selectors of 50% or a full catalyst instead of Greater Glory crystals, that would be nice. Just an idea to make t4cc easier to come by for advanced players who keep running out of a resource they shouldn't be bottlenecked by this late in the game.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
If you want to rank a second champ of the same class? Good luck. Now you have to deal with some serious overflow maintenance issues. I used to avoid this by ranking my classes in proportion to each other, but now I’m at a point where I have other priorities and that’s not really feasible. It sucks to be throttled by a material that was designed as a limiter for 4* champions now in 2022.
I would just add though (and this is a BitterSteel Original Thought) that 90 t4cc is 13 weeks straight of buying 7 crystals; I.e. 31.5k glory if you have 0 of one class
I wound up trading in some of the overflow science & skill cats, still no mutant. I’ve opened several more this month, and still no mutant. Thankfully, we got a 2->3 rank up gem for completing 7.4 and I was able to rank up Kitty. But man, it would be nice if we could get a selector if we traded in class cats.