Horseman of apocalypse

DubhomiDubhomi Member Posts: 9
edited April 2022 in Strategy and Tips
I have a 6 star rank 2 apocalypse and been holding off on 6 star colossus,6 star domino,5 star namor and another apocalypse 5 star those 4 untouched and a maxed red mags 5 star. I was wonder do anyone have a idea of which route I should take next what would you guys do maybe rank up the 5 star version of apocalypse for 2 horseman possibility or maybe rank up colossus I heard domino pretty good with horseman ability. And 6 stars take a lot of resources so I can pretty much only get one of these champs up at a time was wondering who may be more valuable with apocalypse i also have a 4 star professor x but he’s pretty useless at this point of the game at 4 star just synergy use I would greatly appreciate your opinion
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


  • Disgruntled_User_123Disgruntled_User_123 Member Posts: 1,108 ★★★
    As always, it really depends on where you are in the game. Which champion will provide you the most utility for your roster? If it were me, I would rank 2 Colossus. He’s bleed, frostbite, and incinerate immune plus he has great damage. Honestly, I rarely use the Horseman ability anymore - Apocalypse with 4 charges is better off alone. Those are my thoughts.
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    Do you have cable as a 6*? If so, rank him.

    But agreed with @Disgruntled_User_123 apoc is often more useful with his charges, rather than making a horseman. So don't rank up for horseman only considerations is my view too.
  • Vance2_jrVance2_jr Member Posts: 786 ★★★★
    Colossus is your friend and he loves you. He deserves to be ranked. Domino is good but really needs rulk and massacre to be stupid. Apoc on 4 charges is chonke….do what I did: rank up a 5* for the horseman aspect and use the 6* for 4 charge power. It’s so much fun.
  • Sgt_BallcrusherSgt_Ballcrusher Member Posts: 35
    Those 3 replies are your perfect answer 💯
  • DubhomiDubhomi Member Posts: 9
    Appreciate you Guy’s advice
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