What is your favorite damage over time debuff/passive

I've always wonder, "What is everyone's favorite dot debuff/ passive in the game?" Personally for me, I don't have just one favorite dot. For me, my favorites are Shock and Incenerate, but here are my list of favorite champs of each dot.
Bleed- Nick and Kraven
Incenerates- Torch, Kitty, and Sunspot
Poison- Diablo, Ibom, and King Groot
Coldsnap- Iceman
Shock- Gaurdian and Nimrod
Degen- Mr. Negative and Mojo
Rupture- Sasquach and Spider 2099
There might be some dot debuffs/ passives that I might have missed, but I just listed the most common out of them all
What are all your favorites?
Bleed- Nick and Kraven
Incenerates- Torch, Kitty, and Sunspot
Poison- Diablo, Ibom, and King Groot
Coldsnap- Iceman
Shock- Gaurdian and Nimrod
Degen- Mr. Negative and Mojo
Rupture- Sasquach and Spider 2099
There might be some dot debuffs/ passives that I might have missed, but I just listed the most common out of them all
What are all your favorites?
Honorable bleed is carnage, it’s 🔥
Debuff damage from void
I...might have tried to fight that EQ Luke Cage boss with her the other month. That was a long slog of a fight that ultimately ended in my defeat with very little damage on Cage to show for it.
But if you're not a moron like me and use her against her intended opponents, her ruptures work like a charm.
Other than that I’d have to choose rupture so I think Tigra is the ruler there (although I’m not a good Tigra player). Spidey99 is my rupture guy for now
The disrespect of putting trashspot down for incinerates lmao there’s only one incinerate king