AW season 33 wrong tier

Not sure what is going on...
My alliance finish the previous season in Tier2 and all of our off-season wars were in Tier2, but now before the matchmaking start it put us in Tier3.
How is possible?!?! did you change something in the number of alliances in each tier?
My alliance finish the previous season in Tier2 and all of our off-season wars were in Tier2, but now before the matchmaking start it put us in Tier3.
How is possible?!?! did you change something in the number of alliances in each tier?
if someone open a new alliance they have no war rating, so it can push you up a bit, but not down
Has been mentioned lots of times before that new alliances and closed alliances between seasons would have an effect.
But, because each new season lots of complaints of dropping down a tier, I believe that the next war's percentage Tier calculation is maybe determined by the # of alliances participating in the immediately preceding war.
And since off-season you have a lot of alliances just skipping War, the total number, and thus # of alliances in each percentage-based Tier, will be less.
So first War of a season is still maybe based on how many teams were doing it in offseason.
In order for things to be “apples to apples” they should maybe take their headcount (# of alliances) for the 1st war back in new season to be from back at the end of the previous season, and not have it affected by a ton of alliances just skipping wars during off-season.
According to an answer I got from kabam support (I had no hope for official answer in the forum), this situation can be occur when a top tier3 alliance (locked war rating during off-season) matched vs a tier6 alliance (unlock war rating during off-season), and the system randomly choose the map associate to the tier6 alliance, then winning the war will give the tier3 alliance extra war rating which can push down a bottom tier2 alliance.
Well, if a tier3 alliance matched vs a tier6 alliance there is much bigger issue here.