AQ points with modifiers

Just wanted to ask about honor/prestige…
If I run 4 different epic mods and 1 master
Will that be more than 5 epic mods (with 1 duplicate)? What is the point difference?
We’re trying to avoid parry curse.
Thank you
If I run 4 different epic mods and 1 master
Will that be more than 5 epic mods (with 1 duplicate)? What is the point difference?
We’re trying to avoid parry curse.
Thank you
*I play map2, you probably shouldnt listen to me.
If your decision for dropping to Master is for the final day, then it might depend on which Map you are running. (also depends if you mean AQ Points or the Honor Points, as the 2 charts do not scale exactly by the same % increases). Epic column-4 vs Master column-5.
But doing the Master mod on Day-1, and then Epic on days 2-5, that will result in the most points from the options you laid out. Since the point difference between Mod levels (Master vs Epic) on day-1 is not as big as the differences in days 4/5.
See charts below (they are older ones, not sure if the values are still the current or not).
You get bonus points on your first 4 fights for extra points.
If you repeat a multiplier you will lower your score and your honor points.
Our alliance runs 3 master and 2 epic, all different.