Who is your favorite champ in each class

doesn't have to be who you think is the best champ in that class could just be a fun champ that you enjoy using or enjoy outside of mcoc
here is mine
here is mine
Science Spidey 2099
Tech Nimrod
Skill Mole Man
Mystic Diablord
Cosmic KG
Mutant Weapon X
Tech: G99
Science: iBom/ Antivenom
Skill: BWDao
Mutant: Kitty/Jubilee
Mystic: BWCV
Tech: Warlock
Mutant: Wolverine
Skill: Karnak
Science: Wasp
Mystic: Doom
Guilly 2099
Skill- Monke
Science- Ihulk
Mystic- Longshot
Tech- Hulkbuster
Cosmic - Hyperion
Anti Venom
Red Goblin
America Chavez
Tech: Guardian
Mutant: Colossus
Cosmic: SuperSkrull (So much fun to play if you get his cycle down)
Skill: Kingpin
Mystic: Tigra
Cosmic: don't really have one
Tech: also don't know
Mutant: Archangel
Skill: Hawkeye
Science: Spidergwen
Mutant :- Rogue/Apoc
Tech : G2099/HB
Cosmic : Odin/Venom
Mystic : sorcerer/Doom
Science : Void
Tech: Doctor Octopus
Science: Immortal Abomination
Skill: Night Thrasher
Mutant: Stryfe
Mystic: Tigra
So not really. But if I pull him then quite possibly.
Mutant: Omega Red
Skill: Shang-Chi
Science: Spider-Gwen
Mystic: Doctor Doom
Cosmic: Corvus Glaive
Cosmic: Knull
Tech: Nimrodx1000000
Mutant: Apocalypse
Skill: Fury
Science: Spiderman 2099 (Mr. Negative is catching up)
Cosmic: Hercules, CGR
Tech: Nimrod
Mutant: Apocalypse
Skill: Moleman
Science: Spiderman 2099, HT
Cosmic: Odin
Tech: Kang [since I have Apoc]; Peni if no synergy
Mutant: Domino
Skill: Nick
Science: iBom
Science: Spidey 2099
Tech: Starlord
Mutant: Sunspot
Skill: Taskmaster
Cosmic: Annihilus
Science: Torch
Tech: Ghost
Mutant: Omega Red
Skill: Moleman
Cosmic: Hercules
Tech : Red skull
Mutant : Beast
Cosmic : Groot
Skill : Punisher
Mystic : Juggernaut
Tech: Stark Spidey
Mutant: Omega Red
Cosmic: Knull
Skill: Moon Knight
Mystic: Doom
Not sure about science but I'm enjoying playing with Ibom
I'm also liking the flow of SM2099 but his damage stops me from using him more often even though he's a R3
Skill:og bp
Mutant: gambit
Science: ham
Mystic: none are really fun persay but do what they do well going through their motions.
Cosmic: ikarus
Tech: htd
They all make me happy using right.
Science: Miles or Spidey 2099
Mystic: Ghost rider
Cosmic: Cgr
Tech: Punisher 2099
Mutant: Nightcrawler
Skill: DDHK
Science: Spidey2099
Mystic: Hood
Cosmic: Knull
Tech: Punisher2099
Mutant: Stryfe
Science: Spiderham
Mystic: Doctor Doom
Cosmic: Cosmic Ghost Rider
Tech: Ghost
Mutant: Stryfe/Apoc
Elder: Summoned Symbiote/Ultraman
Skill - DareDevil
Science - Captain America OG
Mystic - Magik
Tech - Guardian
Cosmic - Silver Surfer
Mutant: Omega Red
Skill: Elsa Bloodstone
Science: Cap IW
Mystic: Diablord
Cosmic: Silver Surfer