Question about Ultron for Medusa Carina Challenge

For the New Heroes and Foes Carina Challenge, one recommended option for the 6.3.1 Do You Bleed Medusa boss has been Ultron.
There aren't too many videos I have seen on Youtube, though.
Is there a particular playstyle for this fight? I know the standard playstyle is generally to activate the most functions and then SP2 for cauterize, but do I need to change it up to maximize the bleeds?
Such as doing 3-hit combos for the bleed on every 3 hits, not parrying to minimize Buffet node, using/not using specials?
There aren't too many videos I have seen on Youtube, though.
Is there a particular playstyle for this fight? I know the standard playstyle is generally to activate the most functions and then SP2 for cauterize, but do I need to change it up to maximize the bleeds?
Such as doing 3-hit combos for the bleed on every 3 hits, not parrying to minimize Buffet node, using/not using specials?