A Legitimate Compensation Post

SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,653 ★★★★★
I first would like to fall back on my history in the forums to prove that I extremely rarely mention compensation, or rank-down tickets, or free gifts from Kabam being given to players (other than the occasional thanks). That being said, there have over the last year(ish) been some outright problems with the game, bugs, questionable business decisions, and other related issues that have impacted players. There have been some great additions, pieces of content, rewards, and other positive things as well.

If Kabam were to send you an in-game message tomorrow that completely (in your eyes) made up for all of their mistakes, bugs, issues, however intended, what would it include? What do you think would would be a fair, reasonable, and warranted message (or compensation) and would that include some form of rewards/items/etc?

* I will add in a disclaimer that I am not asking for compensation, do not necessarily think that I deserve and free gift from Kabam, nor am I trying to encourage ridiculous Forums etiquette. I simply am curious about the community's opinion and interested in how such events have impacted others in their respective gaming situations. *


  • LpooLpoo Member Posts: 2,215 ★★★★★
    I think the last big compensation in September was good. I don’t know if it has aged well and would fit for today, but I think it’s at least a great start
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,794 ★★★★★
    Noobda said:

    Comparing a little to the previous compensation we had.
    I will say - A 6* Class nexus , One mythic crystal , A 5* Nexus , One 6* AG crystal, 50 6* sig stone crystals , 3-5m gold , Greater champion boosts / Attack boosts / Health boosts , 15 level 3 revives , 15 level 6 heals , 5 team revives , 5 level 5 team heals , 10k glory , 300k loyalty , 10 energy refills , 6* rank 1-2 class gem crystal , 6* r2-3 class gem crystal , 10 cavalier nexus crystals.

    I am myself Paragon. Don't prefer much free stuff , still as the post asked so I answered :smile:

    (Edit:- This data has been written keeping those forum users in mind to leave no space for argument )

    I'm sorry but what compensation package has ever contained a 6* AG crystal, 1-2 and 2-3 class gem crystals? Or even 6* stones?

    The last package we got has a 6* Nexus, 5* Nexus greater attack/health boosts, questing/AQ pots and revs, glory and a 10% T5cc selector.

    How do you go from what we got 8 months ago to what you suggested? Not only that, we've been compensated every week since that last big package. There's just no chance any of the 6* rank up stuff would ever be included.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,794 ★★★★★
    OGAvenger said:

    I’m never one to seek compensation either. Nor do I care to get one for the control issues.

    What I do think is in the best interest for Kabam is to send players some kind of thank you package for sticking with them through this last year. I don’t know what that would look like, but showing appreciation to the summoners who battled through this would go a long way.

    I think it would look like the one we got 8 months ago.
  • OGAvengerOGAvenger Member Posts: 1,131 ★★★★★
    edited May 2022

    OGAvenger said:

    I’m never one to seek compensation either. Nor do I care to get one for the control issues.

    What I do think is in the best interest for Kabam is to send players some kind of thank you package for sticking with them through this last year. I don’t know what that would look like, but showing appreciation to the summoners who battled through this would go a long way.

    I think it would look like the one we got 8 months ago.
    And then we stuck through it for another 8 months….so send it again 🤷🏼‍♂️ I don’t even remember what was in that one tbh

    Edit: I see you posted it above. That looks good to me. Maybe bump some things up a notch, but along the same lines
  • NoobdaNoobda Member Posts: 787 ★★★
    Following the first compensation trend

    Noobda said:

    Comparing a little to the previous compensation we had.
    I will say - A 6* Class nexus , One mythic crystal , A 5* Nexus , One 6* AG crystal, 50 6* sig stone crystals , 3-5m gold , Greater champion boosts / Attack boosts / Health boosts , 15 level 3 revives , 15 level 6 heals , 5 team revives , 5 level 5 team heals , 10k glory , 300k loyalty , 10 energy refills , 6* rank 1-2 class gem crystal , 6* r2-3 class gem crystal , 10 cavalier nexus crystals.

    I am myself Paragon. Don't prefer much free stuff , still as the post asked so I answered :smile:

    (Edit:- This data has been written keeping those forum users in mind to leave no space for argument )

    I'm sorry but what compensation package has ever contained a 6* AG crystal, 1-2 and 2-3 class gem crystals? Or even 6* stones?

    The last package we got has a 6* Nexus, 5* Nexus greater attack/health boosts, questing/AQ pots and revs, glory and a 10% T5cc selector.

    How do you go from what we got 8 months ago to what you suggested? Not only that, we've been compensated every week since that last big package. There's just no chance any of the 6* rank up stuff would ever be included.

    @Demonzfyre take the 6* rank up gems out . Everything rest is absolutely fine imo.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,794 ★★★★★
    edited May 2022
    OGAvenger said:

    OGAvenger said:

    I’m never one to seek compensation either. Nor do I care to get one for the control issues.

    What I do think is in the best interest for Kabam is to send players some kind of thank you package for sticking with them through this last year. I don’t know what that would look like, but showing appreciation to the summoners who battled through this would go a long way.

    I think it would look like the one we got 8 months ago.
    And then we stuck through it for another 8 months….so send it again 🤷🏼‍♂️ I don’t even remember what was in that one tbh

    Edit: I see you posted it above. That looks good to me. Maybe bump some things up a notch, but along the same lines
    Which I am sure they will. That package was for roughly 2 months worth of issues. So I imagine there will be a bump up from that.
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    I genuinely don’t care what we get. If we get something cool. If we don’t cool.

    I’m also in the boat as will they ever actually fix the game? So I’m also not holding my breath there.
  • Xguard77Xguard77 Member Posts: 569 ★★★
    If Kabam wanted to delight the group, there's one thing in my eyes that would make us say "wow, they actually nailed this" - the long lost Wish Crystal. Thinking 6* for Cav and up, 5* Uncollected & Conquerer, 4* below that.

    Something like we enter 6 champs, one from each class, and give it a spin
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,794 ★★★★★

    I genuinely don’t care what we get. If we get something cool. If we don’t cool.

    I’m also in the boat as will they ever actually fix the game? So I’m also not holding my breath there.

    But what's your definition of fixed?
  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,592 ★★★★★
    For me personally I don’t care about them giving me RNG resources (nexus, shards, whatever). I would much rather have gold, units (yeah right), potions, boosts and energy. The smaller comp package (revives, potions, energy) has been great. If they said they would continue that package only weekly for the next 6 months, I would be thrilled.

    Sadly, that won’t happen. IF we even get one, it will be a nexus, shards, a few potions and revives, loyalty (yes!) and gold.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,794 ★★★★★
    edited May 2022

    I genuinely don’t care what we get. If we get something cool. If we don’t cool.

    I’m also in the boat as will they ever actually fix the game? So I’m also not holding my breath there.

    But what's your definition of fixed?
    I would guess being able to reliably parry, dex and not have to deal with lag or dropped inputs.

    I think you know exactly what he meant. Why do you always have to detail threads?
    It's an actual question. You know that not everyone in the game has input issues right? You also know that there are extremely wide opinions on what it means to have a working game.

    There are a lot of people who think bugs shouldn't exist in this game.

    So no, by someone saying they want a fixed game, I'm not going assume they are talking about just input issues.
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,299 ★★★★★

    Give me a 6* Nimrod and I’ll call it quits

    It thought you loved tigra and negative more. The betrayal 😶😶😶😶😶😶
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    Give me a 6* Nimrod and I’ll call it quits

    It thought you loved tigra and negative more. The betrayal 😶😶😶😶😶😶
    I mean considering both of those champions would mean about 1k 6* shards for my account I’ll pass..
  • KiptonadeKiptonade Member Posts: 225 ★★★
    edited May 2022
    I think in order for the compensation to be truly meaningful it would have to include a sizeable amount of units. The issues have undoubtedly caused players to spend more units over the last year and while the questing revives and health potions would have assisted realistically the revive and potion increase would’ve been much higher for most players. I know players who’s entire unit stash has dwindled to nothing.

    Of course the staunch Kabam defenders will say they were warned not to complete difficult content while the issues were ongoing but was the alternative to sit on our hands for a year?

    The question is are Kabam willing to take a hit and issue units as part of the wider compensation package? Unlikely.

    Will it be a 6* nexus and some materials - most likely.

    As someone pointed out the nexus is great if you pull a great champion but if you pull someone woeful as your compensation for 12 months of input issues you’re not going to feel compensated or satisfied.

    2 6* nexus’ rank up materials, at least 2 rank down gems, normal health potions, normal revives and 1500-3000 units depending on player progression levels.
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,258 ★★★★★

    Give me a 6* Nimrod and I’ll call it quits

    Let me dupe mine and then I'll join
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,794 ★★★★★
    edited May 2022
    Kiptonade said:

    I think in order for the compensation to be truly meaningful it would have to include a sizeable amount of units. The issues have undoubtedly caused players to spend more units over the last year and while the questing revives and health potions would have assisted realistically the revive and potion increase would’ve been much higher for most players. I know players who’s entire unit stash has dwindled to nothing.

    Of course the staunch Kabam defenders will say they were warned not to complete difficult content while the issues were ongoing but was the alternative to sit on our hands for a year?

    The question is are Kabam willing to take a hit and issue units as part of the wider compensation package? Unlikely.

    Will it be a 6* nexus and some materials - most likely.

    As someone pointed out the nexus is great if you pull a great champion but if you pull someone woeful as your compensation for 12 months of input issues you’re not going to feel compensated or satisfied.

    2 6* nexus’ rank up materials, at least 2 rank down gems, normal health potions, normal revives and 1500-3000 units depending on player progression levels.

    Spending units is s choice. You'll never see units comped back to you.
    Kiptonade said:

    2 6* nexus’ rank up materials, at least 2 rank down gems, normal health potions, normal revives and 1500-3000 units depending on player progression levels.

    I guess if you wanna swing big, this would be it. WTF does rank down tickets have anything to do with input issues? Like, what made you connect those dots?

    You want up to $100 in units? Units that are free in-game? I'm willing those players that you know spent time in the arena for that "stash".

    You are a shining example of why we don't get a say in comp/thank you packages. Lol RDTs... Jesus.
  • InsaneSkullInsaneSkull Member Posts: 327 ★★
    Rillian said:

    I think it’s a great idea, something I’d be happy to get, but how would it work in practice?

    1 mysterio, maybe an antivenom or two, a corvus or a doom for an old timer, then 99,000 Hercules.

    That would most definitely unbalance the game.

    As we progress in the game, We get almost every champ in the game in all available rarity (Sooner or Later. Still RNG playes a big part :neutral: ). Thousands of player already have OP champs. It does not unbalance the game anyways.
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