Is Nick Fury hands down the greatest option for generic 6* Awakening gem ?

So i was wondering if that is the case or if there is anybody better than him in terms of awakening.
Below are my options to use my gem . I already have Herx Awakened
Below are my options to use my gem . I already have Herx Awakened
Is Nick Fury hands down the greatest option for generic 6* Awakening gem ? 36 votes
I run suicides and have awakened r3 Nick fury that I rarely use for anything and just through on aw defense to try and get some use. I also r4 my kingpin 6* over fury based on masteries. Depending on masteries I do not believe Fury is an obvious choice like many will likely say. With suicides Id personally do use it on Kitty. But again, more information is needed to give accurate answer to your question
Oh wait… sure Nick then ig