progression problem

How am I supposed to progress in this game? im hard stuck on 6.2.5 with no counters, no units, barely any revives or heal (both thanks to all the issues) and 0 ways to get new champ or rank up mats, this months side quest is so [removed by Moderator] and whenever I do a battle realm match I go up against someone with a 1.7 mil overall and 13k prestige. How am I supposed to play against that when my prestige is 8.8k and have a 500k overall? Plus there have been issues for over 6 months all the way back to the Immortal Hulk monthly and yet no large compensation? [removed by Moderator]
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
As for how to grow when stuck on story content, monthly content is always a good place to go, but for what you’re looking for I think some of the Variants may be your best bet.
Also, there’s nothing wrong with diving into arena to grind units to power through a particularly tricky boss. I did it plenty when I was still getting the hang of everything.
Act 6 is considered one of the hardest content in game even by endgame players, & even in that 6.2.5 is considered as the hardest chapter at least for exploration if not completion
Focus on Variants (except 1, 2 & 8) & EQs for now
And try to be in a map 6 alliance
here is my roster
When your roster is a bit more developed grind arena, grind a bit of RoL winter soldier for some pots too, I think it’s fair to say that most players used a couple of items ok 6.2.5 with better rosters than yours. You’ve got a good counter in Void for Mordo though.