This is a fact. The game has devolved (proof)

I have obtained all the title progressions on day one of availability. Until paragon! Now I’m months away from obtaining it. I have changed nothing about my play and spending. No one has obtained this new title with out hard spending or hard grinding (which costs absurd time) It used to be based on story progression. Throne breaker was the start of spend to win now it’s the culture. I never minded the spend grind balance but it’s tipped way to the spending side.
Carinas challenges are a joke. Don’t give me any of that garbage.
Carinas challenges are a joke. Don’t give me any of that garbage.
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
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Just out of curiosity, did you 100% the Gauntlet last year? Get all the points in SoP? Have you explored Act 7? How far off from Paragon would you be if you were to actually knock out Carina’s Challenges?
I would, but feel like the 8-seconds I wasted reading his example of proof and the 20-seconds I wasted writing this is enough wasted time for one topic.
Wish I spent at spring cleaning.
You just seem to want to vent about your failures which is ok. If you have proof please display.
I… might be doing it wrong.
I'm not going to say game doesn't have issues... but what you listed... isn't one of them.
Thronebreaker was not the first time that there was a roster check on progress. That was Cavalier, which was gated behind Act 6.1 completion which had the Act 6 5* gates applied: you couldn't do Act 6.1 at all with 4* and lower champs. People explicitly stated at the time that this was "the first time" that progress was tied to possessing a rarity of champ rather than "doing content."
And Cavalier was not the first time progression was decoupled from story progression. Uncollected was technically gated to beating the Collector. Sure, he's in 5.2 so technically you could say Uncollected was based on story progression, but that's disingenuous. Everyone knew Uncollected was about beating the Collector, it is even called the Uncollected progress title, and that's how everyone described it at the time.
And Progress titles themselves were not even a thing in the beginning. Progress in the game used to be defined by *level*. Level unlocked the important things, not content. You could have a drinking bird redo Act 1 over and over again and theoretically reach level 60 without making any progress in story content. This myth of "progress was always about story" is a hallucination. Progress titles were retroactively created for story arc completion *after* Uncollected was created. Uncollected was the first big shift away from levels and towards progress titles. Contender, Proven, and Conqueror are retroactive artifacts of that shift.
It used to be about gaining levels. Then it was about beating a tough boss. Then it was about completing a story arc chapter gated behind 5* roster. Then it was about completing the first story arc book and having an R3 champion, and now it is about completing the current top story arc and having three R4 champions. There's no "used to be" anywhere in the real history of this game.
It used to be about gaining levels. Then it was about beating a tough boss. Then it was about completing a story arc chapter gated behind 5* roster. Then it was about completing the first story arc book and having an R3 champion, and now it is about completing the current top story arc and having three R4 champions. There's no "used to be" anywhere in the real history of this game.
Yes exactly and I never had any issue till now so you say the game has evolved I say it had devolved. My premise is proof in that I was able to progress easily unlit now with no change to my approach. That for me is a negative result form the greed of the game. Most anyone with some reason beloved 3 was to many R4. If you don’t then you probably have nothing more important in your life then playing MCOC all day or you are wealthy. I applaud you for either. But your not the only person playing this game. When the majority see problems and issues with the game. Change is needed.
You can try to act snarky and smart all you want, that's fine, but you didn't put any evidence in your post nor comment. Your title specifically says evidence yet where is it? You're only "evidence" was that you couldn't get it day one. Unless you're the baseline for how the game is evolving, I don't think it matters too much. Do I fully agree with the requirements? Nope, but those are the requirements they chose so oh well. I don't spend anymore so the deals don't really entice me, neither do the "to be announced" features. However, you've just said not to mention Carinas because they cost time and money. From this I am assuming you haven't done them yet because you don't want to spend time or money. This is a progression title. How do you expect to get it without time or maybe some money. This title was meant for people who have done it all and are in high alliances and war. Does that mean everyone under that belt has it either? Nope and there will always be outliers. These rank up materials are not just going to be handed out and you're going to need to decided if you're going to put time or money into the game in order to get them. Or don't and stay where you're at.
What’s so bad about waiting? What makes you so special?
Wait a month, get 10 energy refills from 3 day events in alliance. Then if your time is so valuable that you can't do 45 mins a day for 2 weeks, it makes me question how you progress in this game at all.
Anyone who says they can't do Carina challenges because they need to spend really needs stop making excuses. If you're telling me that you don't already spend 45 mins a day on the game doing random stuff like Cav EQ, SQ etc, then I'd be incredibly surprised. And if you only have 45 mins a day, then forget about Side Quest and Cav EQ for 2 weeks and do it at the end of the month, clearly, rank 4 materials are more important than half a 6*.