EOP Rewards not suitable?

Hi all,
Rewards are pretty the same as last year, but requirements are harder.
First one requires 3 buffs on attacker, hard Bane-1, regen on block etc.
Do you think rewards are still suitable for efforts/cost?
Since 6* is quite common these days, it's a bit out of date to spend efforts (items/units) on it, I think.
Rewards are pretty the same as last year, but requirements are harder.
First one requires 3 buffs on attacker, hard Bane-1, regen on block etc.
Do you think rewards are still suitable for efforts/cost?
Since 6* is quite common these days, it's a bit out of date to spend efforts (items/units) on it, I think.
With a suitable R3 6* it's pretty fine
Dragonman for XL and mystic
Ultron for villian.
6* nexus are pretty desirable,
but now it's should be 2 or 3 6* nexus anyway
Just because rewards not attract me much so I neglect a bit 😄
I can speak for myself that I only care about rank 4 material at this point. I did all the objective first week and I can say it is a very well designed fight, you just need a counter (which you should have, or else dont try) and patience.
I can speak for myself that I only care about rank 4 material at this point. I did all the objective first week and I can say it is a very well designed fight, you just need a counter (which you should have, or else dont try) and patience.
Nah bro, got the solo with a civil warrior cap so any poison / bleed immune champ can do it. Tho I do agree, AI is a little bit stupid and some champs have a real hard time intercepting him.
... still wonder abt rewards, but have many idle items, so why not... 😄
Part of the “rat race” design is to have different rewards for same effort. That is, I can go in to this fight with TB level apoc, and someone else can go in with Paragon apoc, perform the same, and come out with very different rewards. In fact, we can do that all the way thru, and my rewards will be about half the paragons. It’s just another bit to cue a sense of FOMO, and get me moving towards paragon. Unfortunately for them, I work in middle management, and am used to earning less while doing all the work.
Either way, is the challenge fun? Do you need, or want, the rewards? If all of those are true, I would avoid trying to spoil the experience by dwelling excessively on if the rewards are “suitable.”
Is it too early to judge whether EOP is harder than SOP? It’s just the 1st opponent. If you consider this EOP Crossbones is too hard, go check MSD YouTube channel and he is now showcasing different options. Other than him, the fastest ko I saw so far is 70 seconds.
SOP had 8 fights. Boss rush was separate and had separate reward system. EOP 4 fights plus a gauntlet where you take on all 4 previous fights ( with many objectives) that is included in this reward system. Even if the objectives for wk 5 only take 2 runs, that equals 12 fights total. So,
A year ago! —> Brand spankin new
8 fights —> 12 or more fights
6* nexus —> same
T5CC 200% —> 125%
Sig stones 75 —> 20
T6B 17500 —> 42750
T3A 6750 —> 22500
I dont feel the rewards rly match up a year later and in some areas are even worse.
As to the rewards, they look similar on the surface, but that doesn't factor in some significant differences between the two events. It took nine weeks of Summer of Pain for TBs to get all of the milestone rewards. It will take five weeks for Paragon players to reach the top tier milestone now, and then the event will reset and run again. So overall, the rewards might look similar, but the players are earning them faster, earning them multiple times, and at the highest tiers gaining better rewards.