Your use of suicides

LpooLpoo Member Posts: 2,225 ★★★★★
How often do you run suicides?

Your use of suicides 60 votes

Spity68KDoggg2017SpeedbumpMachoNachoMoosetiptronicSCP1504RockypantherxEtjamaawesomesauceShiroiharaVendemiaireYoLo11ChiliDogGiuliameijRouger4Bar1000Lorddrewwillrun4adonutCirrusRudolph_Raindeer 21 votes
I turn them on and off depending
ccrider474F4k3_GaM3rGarloAckbar67Malreck04Lovejoy72RockyshockyMother_FlerkenFuskieReignkingTWErcarretSwarmOfRavensXguard77AmnetiesEZplayNoobda 16 votes
I never run suicides
TerraUnsilentJhonST33Denslo500Morpheus_123EinfachSoILLUSION8LeoZedRenaxqqSoyheyor123AburaeesDawsManTheBair123SearmenisYodabolt21magnus_xixInsaneSkullMrSakuragiLBN1Barri8 23 votes


  • ShiroiharaShiroihara Member Posts: 1,092 ★★★★

    SUICIDES are bad for HEALTH

    The opponent’s health because my champions go brrr.
  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    I turned them on about 2 or 2,5 years ago. Never looked back.
    I tried turning them off twice. Lasted about 15 minutes both times. The game becomes so boringly slow.
    And unless you play perfectly and never take a single blocked hit. The damage you take from them, would otherwise have come from the opponents hitting your block during the extra duration of the fight.
    And more and more champs are really suicide friendly.
  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★
    I turn them on and off depending
    For the time being, I’m trying to hit all milestones in 2 of 3 arenas, both rounds. Without suicides, not a chance for me. In fact, I have all but dex and parry off, and run full suicides with full deep wounds and assassin.
  • Xguard77Xguard77 Member Posts: 581 ★★★
    I turn them on and off depending
    Have them unlocked, but only use them in the off-seasons. It's just such a hassle to tear down and rebuild.

    Really wish they would (finally) give us a toggle for multiple builds.
  • Denslo500Denslo500 Member Posts: 905 ★★★
    I never run suicides
    Outside of Arenas, I never felt like they helped that much.
    The post-fight breakdown screen made it clear.
    I use a lot of high damage special champs.
    The only thing that increases that damage is Recoil (bleed and poison suicides don't help that).

    Use the breakdown screen to see where most of your damage comes from.
    If it is mostly from regular attacks, suicides will be fantastic.
  • CWLoonCWLoon Member Posts: 3
    suicide mastery for arena, otherwise can save the units..
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,638 ★★★★★
    I never run suicides
    I like being able to use my entire roster without restrictions.
    So, I don't use them.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,066 ★★★★★
    I turn them on and off depending
    I go back and forth. The problem is that there are a lot of champions that I really prefer to use without suicides, while there simultaneously are a lot of champions that I never really use without those masteries. Therefore, it's hard to find a proper balance. Whichever side I pick, I end up not using a certain percentage of otherwise very fun champions.

    Then there are other considerations as well. They're not the best for AW. They're really good for arena. Since they cost so many mastery points to set up, you have to remove some other masteries to accommodate them.

    So yeah, it's rarely an easy decision for me one way or another.
  • Morpheus_123Morpheus_123 Member Posts: 792 ★★★
    I never run suicides
    I've never tried it. I'm sure I've got quite a few champions that would benefit from it, but the cost of reverting back and forth and changing things that I have already paid for makes my blood boil! lol

    I really should have tried it a while back when they made the mastery changes free for a short period but I never had the idea at the time. I wonder if there is any chance Kabam could put another Change your Mastery for Free for a Day event on??!! ;)
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