Some Ways Kabam Can Have HUGE Win For Community & Receive Praise (Opinion/Suggestions)

ThēMandalorianThēMandalorian Member Posts: 368 ★★★★
edited May 2022 in Suggestions and Requests
So, we all know that Kabam has been having issues for a good while now. There has been improvements, but at some times the community views things as one step forward and three steps back.

With that being said, I know a few things Kabam could implement which wouldn't require compensation, huge changes to what we see and could be seen as a HUGE Win for those in the community.

What are the things I speak about? Well, these are my suggestions that could make people happier, continue to play and maybe even bring players back as well as increase potential revenue.

So, that long winded way for me to list what I think would be these changes:

1) Dual Class Crystals for 6-Stars (just like they rotate for 5-Stars)

2) Nexus Crystals available for all Stars for slightly more shards. My suggestion is 13,000 Shards for 5-Star Nexus
3,000 Shards for 4-Star Nexus
3,000 Shards for 3-Star Nexus
3,000 Shards for PHC Nexus (would be nice if they also did this for the Grandmaster and Cavalier basic crystals we form from daily logins too)

3) Wish Crystal a Reality *OR* a simpler crystal for people to have as a one time thing.

4) Daily Thronebreaker Deals for $5 like the Cav/Grandmaster/Basic that rotate daily. For Thronebreaker, you could simply change to a Nexus Cav instead of a new crystal every day with boost to the other "extra" options too.

5) Sigil Store Improvements for Paragon Players. Update the Featured 6-Star Crystal for 13K to 11K Shards for those that are Paragon. This has already been proven as doable and fair as this was changed for the 5-Star version of Featured when Cavalier became Thronebreaker for those bi-weekly options.

6) Increase in Inventory for all - still allow benefits for Sigil players, but this is long overdo.

7) Quarterly Trade-in Store for certain items. Maybe even rotate these depending on the time of year. Gold Crystal trade-in/trade-up during Holiday time as an example.

8) Increase Energy Allowed over boost as said would be in beta to existing players instead of new players only when it becomes tested.

9) All Monthly Side-Events no longer cost energy. It's always a chance it will or won't. Let's just be fair to the players and allow them to play longer without deciding where to spend their energy. This is a pro-player move and will show your investors analytics that players play for longer times daily.

10) Multiple Masteries for all types of Games. So instead of having to adjust masteries, have them auto populate for Arenas, War, Alliance quest and Solo content. Three profiles and if you want to switch, 20 units each time. That's fair IMHO, But I'd be open to other options.

I don't want to go on and on but those are 10 things that can be done to help sway popular opinion back to positivity for Kabam and keep players whilst bringing in new and bringing back those that have left.

Just my thoughts and opinions. Would this make you have faith if these went into effect soon?

What would you change?

I listed changes for both payers and free to players. That's because this is a business end of the day, and Kabam has to keep the server running as well as pay all the people that help run things.

Thank you for reading and please be respectful in any replies in comments.

- Thē Mandalorian
Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on


  • PapaMidnite007PapaMidnite007 Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    This is a brilliant one
  • LilMaddogHTLilMaddogHT Member Posts: 1,213 ★★★★
    edited May 2022
    I think all these options listed are all more than reasonable for implementing and would be wins for the players and thus wins for Kabam in the end. It's amazing what happens when customers are happy...
  • DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★
    edited May 2022
    I like a lot of these (esp wish crystal), although I see the need to have energy costs on some side quests.
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  • AvisAvis Member Posts: 18
    edited May 2022

  • ThēMandalorianThēMandalorian Member Posts: 368 ★★★★
    edited May 2022
    I forgot to mention on number 6, but the reasoning for more inventory space also would help Kabam's servers as more people wouldn't hoard certain crystals because of fear of overflow and expiring.

    Sorry I didn't make that clear as it would benefit Kabam as well. I just had a lot to type.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,257 ★★★★★
    Great list! All 10 ideas are A plus, especially the masteries. Long long overdue.
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  • FunnyGuyHDFunnyGuyHD Member Posts: 11
  • NoobdaNoobda Member Posts: 787 ★★★
    Awesome ideas. I won't oppose anything against P2W players as those are the players who run this game and deserve good deals.
    The only thing I had argue is about Masteries Layouts. It should be FREE to switch b/w masteries layouts as We already spent our valuable cores to unlock them so masteries demanding units everytime we make changes is wrong .
  • TyphoonTyphoon Member Posts: 1,890 ★★★★★
    Good list.

    Personally I think the loyalty currency still needs some work too.
  • KDoggg2017KDoggg2017 Member Posts: 1,268 ★★★★
    I'm a huge fan of the Masteries suggestion. 😍
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