Is there a true minimum for being an Endgame player?

Don’t judge the title, because I’m asking what defines an Endgame player now that we’re almost halfway through 2022. The economy’s opening back up in several countries (or a few, I don’t really know at this point.) there are now Paragon players. Still plenty of Thronebreaker players somewhere from 1-60 r3s and seomwhere from 7.1.1-7.4.6 completed with 0-3 r4s. Abyss is probably still a thing. Cavalier players are probably mid to endgame players depending on roster depth and content completion. Variants are still defining factors in status, but by how much I still don’t know. What is the minimum requirement to become an Endgame player?
Plus with this many charecter, animations of their heavies, sp1 and sp2, to learn and get used to those for someone who is new to mcoc will be too overwhelming imo.
Most New players won't read nodes and champ abilities until they realise that's what most imp thing in here. That realisation won't come till act 4 lol.
I started back 2 years and it took me 2 3 months to get a good grasp of the game and understand it.
For me an endgame player is the one who has explored all the acts , almost all variants , Has done the carinas , Has done everything released in the past like SOP , Gauntlet & waits for new content to be released to smash it & is too used to this game mechanics that he can handle any given fight.
In simpler words , A player who has conquered "most" of the aspects of the game . Doesn't matter if he spends or not.
Paragon is just a new title released just recently so Endgame Thronebreakers and "most" of the Paragon players come in this bracket.
PS : I am Paragon . Have all game content 100% & I count myself as an endgame player.
I'll love to hear the reason for disagreeing from the person who disagreed to my comment. Tag me please when you mention the reason.
I would definitely consider someone who is endgame having cleared the gauntlet, act 1-7 (not just 7 and skipped 6), all variants done and have at least 1-2 rank 4s. This is more opinionated though TBH. You could say someone who is in a master alliance and top 10 aq. Others can say someone to who is p2 and top 100. Everyone’s definition of endgame can be different. One thing I could say is someone who is definitely waiting for new content WITH at least 95-97% of everything complete.
Tier 1-2 war
Map 8 AQ
All content done and/or when new content drops you have the roster to do it, you just need to find time for it.
He will beat me to paragon at that rate. Couple more carina for my number 2 with 0 additional content to do.
Okay. Everyone has their own POV , Can't deny.
I have 29 5r5, 6 6r2, 11 6r3 and 1 6r4. I consider myself almost endgame. I would consider myself end game after 2 abyss runs, almost all carina's done and close to 100% act 6. And of course EoP event 100%.
I’ve explored all content except the carinas which I’m working through and compete in masters AW - came 5th last season. I’m not Paragon yet because I haven’t spent on the game for years and really don’t enjoy the Abyss/LoL carinas. That said I pretty consistently explore content on release.
I think there’s a lot of ways you could define endgame. At the moment anyone who’s Paragon is definitely endgame because they’ve had to be in high tier alliances and finished pretty much all content. In a few months Paragon probably won’t be the barometer for Paragon as the R4 floodgates start to open.
Luckily EoP has arrived so I'll have that to do throughout the year, but otherwise it's pretty dry. If the new phone that I'm getting today lets me enter Abyss/Labyrinth fights without a two-minute wait, I might have a look at them as well, but they're honestly not my type of content. I can enjoy long and drawn-out fights when they come once a week in an EoP-style format, but going through an entire gauntlet* of them is not something I particularly enjoy.
* Not talking about THE Gauntlet. I never tried it back in the day since I was busy becoming Thronebreaker ahead of the SOP.
That, and being bad at the game. Those two things.