
I finally pushed to 6.4.6 and I’d like to finish Act 6 before the nerf. I’m planing on taking the tenacity path and will use Apocalypse and Red Mags for sure for the path. I’m also thinking about adding Prof X OR Mr. Sinister for the reverse control phase (& synergy benefits). For the other 2 slots I’m thinking Nick Fury (awakened r3) for the attack value in wounded ( plus DOT requirement) and then I’m debating between Colossus (unawakened r2), CAIW(sig200 5/65), Doom (awakened 5/65), Hercules (awakened 5/65) and Warlock (unawakened r2). I was hoping some of you might have suggestions between those champs and any general thoughts on preparing for the fight.
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
Easy access to both buffs and secondary damage just by landing well timed blocks plus he's pretty tanky so can ride out a few mistakes so long as you aren't triggering GMs sp3
Doom and Prof X for the GM.
You won’t really need anyone else. I’d bring another path clearer or Heimdall
I'm currently on 6.2.4, and not really rushing to get TB at the moment as life is hectic. Thanks