The Champion fight was brutal, will these new additions fare better even on a 'nerfed' Act 6.3

That fight was several weeks back.
Meanwhile, reinforcements arrived ... but are they merely a ragtag team?

Chapter 3 introduces boosts (and lots of them) and six familiar formidable bosses; Medusa, NF, Havok, IMIW, Mysterio and CAIW.
Meanwhile the ebb and flow of the mysterious Battlerealm continues and seemingly a source of frailty has emerged. How will these BIG CHANGES COMING TO ACT 6 THIS JUNE! play out in the continuous power struggle?
And now the mind-boggling puzzle on which path is relatively easier?
1/ Delirium and Dismay
2/ Footloose and No Retreat!
3/ Pilfer and Mesmerise
4/ Biohazard and Clapback
5/ Can't Stop Won't Stop and Running on Fumes
6/ Oscillate
Meanwhile, reinforcements arrived ... but are they merely a ragtag team?

Chapter 3 introduces boosts (and lots of them) and six familiar formidable bosses; Medusa, NF, Havok, IMIW, Mysterio and CAIW.
Meanwhile the ebb and flow of the mysterious Battlerealm continues and seemingly a source of frailty has emerged. How will these BIG CHANGES COMING TO ACT 6 THIS JUNE! play out in the continuous power struggle?
And now the mind-boggling puzzle on which path is relatively easier?
1/ Delirium and Dismay
2/ Footloose and No Retreat!
3/ Pilfer and Mesmerise
4/ Biohazard and Clapback
5/ Can't Stop Won't Stop and Running on Fumes
6/ Oscillate
Certain path/(s) or fights/(s) demands specific counters and roster diversity is just so helpful with a caveat of actually knowing how to play the champ instead of ranking based on tier lists
Why is Oscillate path more difficult than Biohazard and Clapback? Since I did not try the former path, I don't really know. At the boss fight, swapped Moleman in. He is good right?
Moleman was clobbered in no time (know how to play the champ ranked) and I called back good old trusty NF.
Next two puzzles to work on.
Act 6.3.2
Plagued Mind, Energise, Power Reversal, Power Shield
Caltrops, Bloodletting
Empowered Immunity, Energise 2, Minor Aspect of Death
Thorns, Armor 2
Spry, Gassed, Debilitate
Inevitability, Encroaching Stun, Biohazard
Act 6.3.3
Nodes tied to Defenders (each Defender with its own curated nodes).
Enhanced Abilities, Unblockable, Tenacity 2
Stupefy, Unblockable Finale
Armored Assault, Armor 4, Burden of Might
Resistor, Immunity (Bleed and Poison), Armor Break Immunity
Combo Party, Counter Tactics
Which path to take for each of Act 6.3.2 and 6.3.3?
Angela did not fare well with Caltrops as with each dash back she ended up bleeding a fresh or was I confused. However, she was great against M.O.D.O.K (was this defender a little bugged)?
Another word which draws my attention but makes me avoid paths / lanes / fights is Unblockable. So, I ended up running the Combo Party, Counter Tactics path. Having said this, I managed to bait Red Skull's special 1 in the previous round and avoided the mess of being hit by his special 2.
Vision was doing good work keeping Namor quiet and one more hit will end the fight. Unfortunately, Namor managed to sneak in one punch and there goes Vision which had tons of health. Next up down the line, Electro was smiling. Ok, no one-shot but I had Namor on my roster too.
Since, I did not take an image shot, can't recall if I brought in Hulkbuster to deal with boss Havok or just revived Vision to do it.
Way back in February this year, there was a side quest which had an awfully painful IMIW. And thanks to a fellow Summoner, I've learnt to intercept his heavy right at the beginning instead of at the end.
Well, that was a long time ago. Does my muscle memory still holds?
For this fight, I have CMM (banking on her arriving just before activating binary ignition), Venom, Reg Mags, Human Torch, Nick Fury.
I keep in mind, that this Act 6 is a tempered version.
When I do get past IMIW, there is a Mysterio who haven't had a wash, helmet full of dust, seeing a little bit, Tunnel Vision.
How easy it is to learn this skill? As easy as learning to use Ghost or Quake which I did not even try?
Abomination, Iron Patriot, Rhino, Falcon, Superior Iron Man, Groot, Hulkbuster, Punisher, Spider-Man
Moon Knight, Gambit, Thor (Jane), King Groot, Kingpin, Storm, Morningstar, Phoenix
Drax, Heimdall, Korg, Wasp, Mr Sinister, Hela, Night Thrasher, Nebula
Invisible Woman, Diablo, Archangel, Bishop, Red Skull, Green Goblin, Emma Frost
Ghost, Scarlet Witch (Classic), Yondu, Captain America, Medusa, Black Widow, Ronin
Hyperion, Proxima Midnight, Quake, Havok, Hulk (Ragnorak), Star Lord, Magik
To my amazement, I actually managed to run the path till IMIW without needing to revive unlike the previous three rounds. CMM was MVP. Can she do the trick on IMIW too?
And should I bring in Human Torch and swapped out Doom for added security in this final fight?
Peeking ahead, I found these two youtuber's showcase and I am a lot comforted seeing this.
Act 6.3.5 paths
Caustic Temper, Terminal Velocity, Spiked Armor
Long Distance Relationship, Immunity, Cramping, Small Arms
Pleasure to Burn, Got a Light?, Redoubled Determination -3, Power Shield
Rage 2.5, Mystic Ward, Force of Will
Aggression: Armor, Heavy-Handed, Unblockable
Safeguard, Clapback, Cornered
Do I have to rank Red Guardian to tackle Spiked Armor, play with class disadvantage against Rage and recall Star Lord from involuntary retirement
After looking over the nodes, I finally tried the Agression: Armor, Heavy-Handed, Unblockable path.
The fight against Mysterio even with the youtuber's guide.
Well, that is on me, sub-par skill.
I'll need to pop some crystals to try get this champ for 6.3.6 CAIW.
Can give a little guidance on rotation?
I am seeing the node Destructive Feedback and that stopped my run last year in Act 6.2.4 for four months.
Champs that Crit. There is Spider-Man (Symbiote).
In my roster sat another. Mole Man who needs to work into a Frenzy and I don't think I am yet to be able to manage that kind of excitement. Aegon, Corvus, She-Hulk, Sunspot is at rank 4 with Karnak, Kitty Pryde, Killmonger and Wasp further down the pack.
My option seems to be restricted to just Nick. So, I ranked up 6-Star W Mag and together with Colossus took on Caltrops, Plague Mind, Static Blast, Coolant Leak. Heimdall and Angela tagged along.
As I said earlier, timing. Yondu after getting rich must have found new business opportunities and now happily stealing prowess.
Even so, I arrived at the boss meet-up in pretty good spirit.
This 'nerfed' defender had 350k health. Maybe I can target 50k in each fight and finish the fight with 7 revives?
What do I need to remember?
1/ Don't hit the defender in the first 10s. Checked.
2/ Hold block to gain fury. Checked.
3/ Use special 1 to keep tactical charge up and hopefully gain unblockable as well. Checked.
4/ Don't get hit and don't die. Unchecked.
Surging Vengeance. I'll need to have a chat with Cap why he thinks it is fine not to follow rule-book and did not use special 2.
Now, I have 20 6-Star champs and wondering whether to try for a featured crystal for my next. Just not so keen to awaken Mysterio though.