Cursed account

DanHarmorDanHarmor Member Posts: 36
edited June 2022 in General Discussion
I have come to the conclusion that my account is cursed. Every day I watch alliance members pull awesome 6* champs like Hercules, Kitty pride, Doom and so on while I keep getting trash like Iron Patriot, Civil Warrior and other bottom of the barrel champs that don’t have much of any good use in the game. I’ve also spent over 9000 units in the past couple of months on Cavalier crystals and I didn’t get anything worth getting excited about. With such terrible luck when it comes to crystal openings and all the problems with the game, I really cannot see myself playing for much longer. Games are suppose to be fun, not frustrating.
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


  • ShivacruxShivacrux Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    DanHarmor said:

    I have come to the conclusion that my account is cursed. Every day I watch alliance members pull awesome 6* champs like Hercules, Kitty pride, Doom and so on while I keep getting trash like Iron Patriot, Civil Warrior and other bottom of the barrel champs that don’t have much of any good use in the game. I’ve also spent over 9000 units in the past couple of months on Cavalier crystals and I didn’t get anything worth getting excited about. With such terrible luck when it comes to crystal openings and all the problems with the game, I really cannot see myself playing for much longer. Games are suppose to be fun, not frustrating.

    Cav crystals are a scam,why did you even bought them
  • H700H700 Member Posts: 87
    The same thing happens to me with Ultron, I'm about to classify it because it's the only decent thing
  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian
    xNig said:

    DanHarmor said:

    I have come to the conclusion that my account is cursed. Every day I watch alliance members pull awesome 6* champs like Hercules, Kitty pride, Doom and so on while I keep getting trash like Iron Patriot, Civil Warrior and other bottom of the barrel champs that don’t have much of any good use in the game. I’ve also spent over 9000 units in the past couple of months on Cavalier crystals and I didn’t get anything worth getting excited about. With such terrible luck when it comes to crystal openings and all the problems with the game, I really cannot see myself playing for much longer. Games are suppose to be fun, not frustrating.

    You just don’t see the bad pulls that obviously no one publicizes. You’re competing your luck in rng vs the luck in rng of 29 others. It’s obvious which group has better “luck”.

    Here. Feel better. 😊

    I'll take that black bolt off your hands :)
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  • mortenhymortenhy Member Posts: 492 ★★
    I kinda feel the same. I only have like 12 6*, and 3 of them is worth anything. Then I got Nick Fury and CapIW... I was thrilled...but they both need to be duped 🤣... I'm also keeping on duping my crappy 5*.
  • BleakmessBleakmess Member Posts: 66
    Ah ! Your post has reduced my pain a bit. Now I feel my pulls are decent
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,916 ★★★★★
    DanHarmor said:

    I have come to the conclusion that my account is cursed. Every day I watch alliance members pull awesome 6* champs like Hercules, Kitty pride, Doom and so on while I keep getting trash like Iron Patriot, Civil Warrior and other bottom of the barrel champs that don’t have much of any good use in the game. I’ve also spent over 9000 units in the past couple of months on Cavalier crystals and I didn’t get anything worth getting excited about. With such terrible luck when it comes to crystal openings and all the problems with the game, I really cannot see myself playing for much longer. Games are suppose to be fun, not frustrating.

    How many 6* do you have atm? If the number is below 100 then it’s nothing cursed. Once you obtain more 6* your bad luck will even out and you will get good champs regularly.
  • RedBirdIsSmartRedBirdIsSmart Member Posts: 101
    edited June 2022
    How many 6* do you have atm? If the number is below 100 then it’s nothing cursed. Once you obtain more 6* your bad luck will even out and you will get good champs regularly.

    I doubt you have 100 6*'s reference.
  • TyDollarSignTyDollarSign Member Posts: 241 ★★
    Where are you at content wise? Why would you spend 9000 units on cav crystals? If they were the regular cavs, the drop rates are so poor, so sounds like a terrible decision to me. RNG is always gonna be RNG, which can suck sometimes but is what it is. Would love to know more about your account before I'd agree that it's "Cursed".
  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    Most of us have been here/there with you. I was 20+ 6* champs in before my 1st "decent" 6* pull. Then I got a handful of great ones peppered in and all the disappointment went away. Then, I was nearly 50 6* champs in before my 1st skill 6* - that was super frustrating, but then I got like 10 in a row (which was also kind of disappointing). I'm on a streak of 15 "bad" 6* pulls now, but I can't complain with where my overall roster is at - it all kind of evened out, but the lows were lows and the highs were highs.

    I do agree though, it's disheartening to not get the champs we want within some kind of set timeframe. There are so many champs in game now, the RNG odds are terrible when you're on the bad side of RNG, Completing milestone story content really should offer more nexus or targeted crystals. No one should get duds for abyss or content like that - what a let down when you put the time and effort in and get a third natural dupe of Beast instead of a new Doom (or whoever is in your wish list).

    Hang in there. You are definitely not the only one who feels the RNG disappointment at times.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,322 ★★★★★

  • L0TUS_MANTISL0TUS_MANTIS Member Posts: 221 ★★
    @DanHarmor I feel your pain. I told myself I'd buy a few cavs here and there when a new champ came out I was excited for. Then I told myself if I don't get anything good out of 10,000 units I'm done with cavs. Didn't ever pull the featured champ or a good champ above a 4*

    You will get good pulls, but not before pulling 10 trash dupes 😁

    This guy won't even look me in my eyes...

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  • RasiloverRasilover Member Posts: 1,477 ★★★★

    Right after the Canadian challenge
  • ChatterofforumsChatterofforums Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    edited June 2022
    Op, can you share screenshots of your roster. No offense 98% of the time when people complain about their champs they selectively exclude certain champs or consider very good (non top tier) champs as "trash".

    Also, units on cavalier is just a waste of units especially if your still expecting something great. Just read the odds and even if you beat the odds and get a 6% it's even much smaller chance he will be great.

    Also, you named 4 champs you haven't been able to pull, fyi, odds are about 2% of pulling one of those 4 as a 6*

    Also, not getting all the top champs is normal. I've beaten and explored all game content, have something around 150 plus 6* and I don't even have all the ones you mentioned up top. Maybe your expecting more than you should be.
  • LpooLpoo Member Posts: 2,230 ★★★★★
    0casual0 said:

    You know what I do now? After not getting god tier champ nowadays, I started to appreciate the champions that is underrated. Lately, I have used Punisher 2099, Sasquatch, Black Panther OG, Vulture and Night Thrasher a lot as a 6* because I just can't seem to pull a "god tier". Basically just used what I have and it feel good to know that you don't need god tier champions to have fun you know.

    P/s: Civil Warrior is not bad at all. He is far from being a "trash". I'm a sucker for power control so if I have him I will rank 2 him instantly just because of that ability.

    Also, having these champs’ abilities down and understood will come in handy when you do pull those incredible champs, and need that extra niche utility that those champs that are considered “trash” provide. I couldn’t pull a good 6* for forever, so I ranked up darkhark and hood, and I still use them A LOT even after a year and a half
  • WayWorn2525WayWorn2525 Member Posts: 1,013 ★★★
    Spending 9K units on cavalier crystal, and you've been playing this for several years. Something should have popped up that it wasn't going to go the way you wanted.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    @DanHarmor I have felt the same way many times. Back in the day when we had the old featured crystals which had a 20% drop rate I went 0-24. I had an alliance mate who got the featured every time with 1-2 tries. I wouldn't call my account lucky by any stretch of the imagination, but the luck does even out over time. Hope you get something good soon.
  • psp742psp742 Member Posts: 2,714 ★★★★
    edited June 2022
    Last 6* basic pull.. awaken a champion for arena purposes only (who knows might get good buff better than Ironman OG)

    Recent 10k 6* pull was better thou.. its up and down luck.
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  • PapaMidnite007PapaMidnite007 Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    Civil Warrior is actually decent plus now he has immunities to stagger and nullify really good option against mystic class champs
  • The_man001The_man001 Member Posts: 624 ★★★
    Cursed control is more painful than cursed account
  • DanHarmorDanHarmor Member Posts: 36
    I refuse to spend money or buy anything in game anymore, I’ll just learn to appreciate the champs I have.
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