Underrated content clearer?

I know she is no Doctor Doom, but she is still an incredible Mystic option, who I feel is just far too often overlooked.
When I first pulled her, my alliance said she is poor and to not waste resources on her, so I didn't. Then I just happened to select her for arena and she obliterated my opponent (I forget who at this point), I just remember being thoroughly impressed with her, especially once she gets into Demonic Rampage.
So, I used her some more, then I maxed her out at Rank 1, continued to be impressed and have now maxed her at Rank 2.
I am less than halfway to collecting a Mystic Tier 5 Class Catalyst, but she will 100% be going to Rank 3 when I finally get enough resources. Due to the majority opinion I seem to see of her, I wonder if anyone else has R3'd her yet?
Does anyone else have any champs like this? That seems to get a lot of negative reviews, but you actually think is a worthy but underrated content clearer?
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
MVP = You
MVP =/= Purg
I got her as 6* yesterday. Yay
I love her animations.
I'll try her in monthly content. Have better options already at high ranks. So she will have to watch from sidelines for most content.
A champion that gets a lot of hate despite being one of the top of her class
Above average skill? Yes
Top of the class? It’s not even close tbh
i have a lot of champs like that who don't fit the "meta" but I enjoy playing and have ranked up like America Chavez for instance.
Spider Gwen is another pretty good champ that I think is often overlooked
Evading champs.
Edit: And she's extremely fun and satisfying to play.