Aw is going to be only for Master tier

I'm playing in plat3/4 for 4 years, every season until this last one was very enjoyable and fun and competitive,this season with the changes that @kabam made unfortunately it will be our last as an Alliance,we run out of potions and boosts,(most of our items used were from input bugs) plus mistakes happen to the best of the players, adding all that up ,I spend over 1 million loyalty this season (which isn't over) , healing to full boosted r4 champs is very expensive,to conclude my opinion, aw will be going down down in every season if you don't address this issue
and it's very sad, thanks...
and it's very sad, thanks...
There will be white noise around glitches/bugs, etc., but I can only imagine that a good chunk of these deaths are related to people just not wanting to spend to heal up, and only using the 40% revives.
What happens is, heavy boosting and heavy potting causes the entire alliance (assuming the entire alliance does that) to artificially inflate their war ratings (by winning wars that they would not have won if they didn’t boost and pot so extravagantly).
When that happens, in order to sustain that inflated war rating, the boosting and potting will have to be continued, causing unnecessary strain on items.
What can be done is NOT boost and heavy pot for two seasons and see where you land. That is the alliance’s “equilibrium war rating” where you have a 50% win rate.
Then question yourself, by looking at the rank rewards, whether the extra rewards from your existing rank to the next rank is worth the amount of effort, items, stress and unhappiness incurred.
If it isn’t, then don’t bother with spending excessive items for war. It’ll just result in a never-ending spiral of pain, complaints, finger pointing over deaths.
Just take things easy at your equilibrium war rating and if you want to take things a level higher, change to an alliance with a higher war rank/rating, improve on your skill so your standard of play (aka equilibrium war rating) increases and can sustain that level of competition without spending items more than your loyalty intake can afford.
Hope this helps.
Getting better is an essential part of the fun that any game offers
We need to have a supply of loyalty which is enough to sustain/ can be farmed.
EVery other resource can be farmed, heck even bought. Not loyalty. And what they have done isnt enough.
Also I’m not entirely sure which boosts are “Needed” for normal play. Boosts imo are used to make things easier, which is not “normal play”, because they give you things which aren’t usually there.
This is no different. A few groups will spend to excess just like they might on July 4 and other times. The player pool at large adjusts their behavior to the new economy and war scoring adjusts accordingly.
You need to plan ahead, stock up even if you don’t need to, hold some in stash. Not saying that it works for everyone but resources management is key.
Now I also don’t agree with how much loyalty is given. We should be given more loyalty for helping alliance (or have no cap). More for wins in every tier from 1 to 21 and potions should be cheaper. More for losses because in losses you still spend potions and revives. Cut the price of potions by 50% and make each tier at least 75% more effective. Everyone has said make them percentage base. That works too.
I see both sides of it but of course I side with the player base because kabam can and should do better by us.
Obviously the officer who’s planning my bg is very good at what they do and they’re planning for good players so the planning that we get is going to be more coherent than lower tiers.
From what I’ve seen the vast majority of deaths fall into two categories, both of which are easily correctable.
- Poor planning - not knowing how certain champion/nodes interact and assigning a poor champion to take the node.
- Poor execution - getting smacked in the face enough times to die.
I think that the 40% revive is a big improvement and I do think that there’s more that should be done for loyalty access.
P.S ....I only spend money 3- 4 times a year when good deals are worth it.
If you’re the only one in your alliance who is able to clear these fights then maybe you need to look for a better alliance where you won’t be a huge fish in a little pond which is what it sounds like you are.
Boosts are things that are essential by all players at higher tiers. Nobody just "floats" to a tier on skill alone.
There are PLENTY of fights that cannot be done without the 3min boosts which is why they are monetized so heavily.
"inflated" war rating is nonsense, if everyone didnt have boosts then it would be an even playing field.
basically what you wanna say is pay up or shut up, nothing more.
What fights SPECIFICALLY CANNOT be done without the 3 minute boosts?
I’ll wait for your response.
40% revive is awesome, but the current loyalty flow is incredibly low unless you win every war, and we arent GT40. You fall to 10% after a fight, you arent gonna kill your toon and revive, that just doesnt happen.
Path2 t1, bruteforce, node20 masochism. Ideally need sp1 start or have to take block damage (ends up in more loyalty usage), to get to a bar of power to play around strike counter, since r3s dont have enough combat power rate.
Similar for p2 t2.
Depending on matchups, Nick fury needs an invul or stray ai might make him spam sp1s and go unblockable: more loyalty to heal.
magik usage ANYWHERE needs sp1 start else you risk taking a lot of damage/dying before sp2 with the proliferation of r3/r4 defenders vs an r5.
Depending on your matchup for path4, sp1 start needed to finish fight asap.
Nimrod vs kitty currently safest way to fight is sp1 start. Footloose wpx: nimrod sp1 start or risk getting into a corner with unstoppable unblockable wpx.
Apoc burst fights need sp1 start to get out of there quick.
This is not counting ANY class boosts. Most of the attackers prefer class boosts, and that takes even more loyalty. Also remember, healing is 9k = 20k loyalty. Most toons are 60k+ in health boosted.
If you dont know much about expert map, base attack is 8k on normal nodes. healthpools range from 130k-200k normal nodes. Mini bosses are 300k range with 10k attack, and bosses are 13-14k attack with 400k+ health.