Abyss Preparation Advice

So, I decided that I’m going to do Abyss sometime this summer. I’ve done one path of LoL, but never done an abyss path. I’ve heard from some that it would be very beneficial to just do a full mutant team, and that way I could get completion and finish that Carina challenge.

This is what I’ve got in terms of my mutant roster as well as the horseman of the abyss. I’m very unfamiliar with the Abyss, but I know there are traditional numbered paths that people most commonly take as well as champion-specific nodes on every fight. If there’s a website or infographic that anyone knows of that can give some of that info, please share. Otherwise, I would love some tips or insight on who you used to clear abyss and which path(s) you took. Let me know if any more of my roster pictures would help in giving advice. Thanks in advance!

This is what I’ve got in terms of my mutant roster as well as the horseman of the abyss. I’m very unfamiliar with the Abyss, but I know there are traditional numbered paths that people most commonly take as well as champion-specific nodes on every fight. If there’s a website or infographic that anyone knows of that can give some of that info, please share. Otherwise, I would love some tips or insight on who you used to clear abyss and which path(s) you took. Let me know if any more of my roster pictures would help in giving advice. Thanks in advance!
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
Best of luck friend
Have fun friend.
In hindsight I’d have probably taken Prof X and made Stryfe my horseman over her but it’s another option to consider.
I did the easy path, was pretty easy with the exception of Hype and CMM