Which Mystic is worthy of rank 3?

Whoever I rank is mainly going to be used for questing. I don’t do war or AQ and haven’t really got much into Battlegrounds but being an annoying defender for that is a consideration.
Which Mystic is worthy of rank 3? 67 votes
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
Dragon Man is awesome, as you're seeing from your poll results, but he's not necessarily your typical mystic, in that he doesn't have a way to remove buffs. He instead gets better based on what buffs the opponent has, for example if the opponent gets an armor buff, he passively increases his attack rating to compensate.
Mordo is also a bit atypical. He can punish the hell out of champs with lots of buffs using his sp2, but again, no way to remove them.
So again, it all depends on what you have already. If you have a mystic who can reliably nullify or stagger, then I'd get on board with Dragon Man as the top choice.
If you don't have that already, I'd probably go Sym Supreme or Hood.
I already have him as a sig 200 max 5* but for a champ as good as Doom it won’t hurt to have 2!