What would you say is more beneficial?

TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,635 ★★★★★
What has the more useful and expansive impact on a fight?

What would you say is more beneficial? 51 votes

Immunity to debuff "X" (Wags, Robots ect)
DrZolaThatGuyYouSaw235Ackbar67DRTORockypantherxLordSmasherMobile_P0tat0AMS94MauledRenaxqqCharlie21540BollandGr8TonyStarkScrubhanCrcrcrcBlôdletterBuggyDClownSHIELD4AGENTWozzle007PowerOfACandle 22 votes
Shrugging Capabilities (X-Bone, Ghost(?))
DrenlinCupidColinwhitworth69Bugmat78UvoginFiiNCHVendemiaireZeuszeroDrauglinRiptideSahil_R_RanaGrassKnucklesbaboliUnknownMessage 14 votes
Resistance abilities (Magneto Red, Surfer)
MattDRKsolopoloJeal79MaratoxIron_Spider7125Krishna24Skjorn0casual0Real_Madrid_76_2AdjeriusUltragamerBarri8Lucifire999ozzdharkconspires 15 votes


  • LordSmasherLordSmasher Member Posts: 1,616 ★★★★★
    Immunity to debuff "X" (Wags, Robots ect)
    Immunity/Shrugging tight but resistance is clearly worse because of "enhanced bleed" type nodes.
  • Jeal79Jeal79 Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    Resistance abilities (Magneto Red, Surfer)
    Resistance (with willpower)
    Let the healing begin!
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,635 ★★★★★
    Malreck04 said:

    Depends on matchup.

    This is more a question of "as general as possible "
  • solopolosolopolo Member Posts: 890 ★★★
    Resistance abilities (Magneto Red, Surfer)
    If we're specifically talking about the effects, ignoring champions, resistance is probably the best of the 3 due to willpower benefits, although this depends on the strength of said resistance, and what type of effect is being resisted. AAR resistance hardly matters unless it's at or very near 100%, vs DoT resistances being strictly beneficial as long as they reduce said damage to the point willpower outsells it, then you have debuffs like heal block that can't really be resisted.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,065 ★★★★★
    Resistance is better for bleed and poison so that you can heal with suicides, but I absolutely prefer my champions to be fully immune to stuff like shock and incinerate. Those are things you basically only have to deal with if you eat a special attack or something. If that happens, I want to be 100% immune to that effect and not just 80% or something. If I'm facing a 100K PI boss, those 20% are still going to chew threw me real quick.

    When it comes to shrug-off champions, I generally dislike taking them into fights with a ton of damaging debuffs. Ghost is the exception since she can easily and consistently get rid of them, but champions like Kingpin and Crossbones always have this chance for those debuffs to stick on them, and then you're dead. I found Kingpin to be a lot more enjoyable in those scenarios with the Hood synergy (I didn't have that guy until very recently), but even then there was the occasional damaging debuff that snuck through and dealt a ton of damage. I dislike that inconsistency. It's great in matches with non-damaging debuffs, but I prefer champions with outright immunities otherwise.
  • PowerOfACandlePowerOfACandle Member Posts: 344 ★★★
    Immunity to debuff "X" (Wags, Robots ect)
    Resistance if you have willpower mastery unlocked.
  • UvoginUvogin Member Posts: 345 ★★★
    Shrugging Capabilities (X-Bone, Ghost(?))
    Shrug off cause it covers more ground. Immunity/resistance is often for a specific debuff while shrug off generally covers all debuffs
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    Immunity to debuff "X" (Wags, Robots ect)
    Resistance is better except where the debuff potency is enhanced by any means
    Immunity works in almost all matchups
  • Krishna24Krishna24 Member Posts: 416 ★★★
    Resistance abilities (Magneto Red, Surfer)
    This is a good poll and I feel all are super useful
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