Act 6 -_-

Currently Cav. Came back to the game after a year long break and went for 6.2 completion. Got to the champion, spent 1k units then had to quit. (ik I'm an idiot for thinking I could "pick up on" dexing his specials) Went back to him after a couple weeks and finished 6.2. Tried 6.3.1 and got smacked. Heard about the nerfs. Thought that it would probably save a few revives and pots. I come back to it after exploring Cav eq. I'm here clearing 6.3 lanes with one champ plus solo-ing all the bosses. Corvus, Ghost, Herc. Only items I used are a couple 10% boosts. Not a single pot or revive. Ik I'm kinda late to it this topic. Not complaining, just giving my experience as a player who once thought thronebreaker was something quite far off. I guess this may have been Kabams intent when designing the nerf. As long as the initial completion goes, it really does seem like a cakewalk.
I plan to practise against Mojo, run a little reverse control fights and learn some of the intermediate fight playstyle and let's see.
If you dex when hands go forward to shoot, it is too late.
Hated that fight.
TB benefits are worth it.
Sinister for phase 3