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How was your July 4th Crystal luck?

I pulled Strom (classic), Korg :( , Kingpin, Daredevil classic :( and a Knull from 2021 selector. Went for 18K in the TB deals.


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    Skiddy212Skiddy212 Posts: 1,101 ★★★★

    Back to back on both Accs.

    Dont know how to feel.... r3 worthy, even unduped?

    YES! Seriously how are people still questioning Nimrod, i don't get it
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    PGK88PGK88 Posts: 84

    Back to back on both Accs.

    Dont know how to feel.... r3 worthy, even unduped?

    Go for it. He is a Mutant Torch :-P
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    Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Posts: 7,249 ★★★★★
    I pulled three of the champs I wanted most: Sersi, Peni and Jabari. And I just realized all three end in “i”.
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    Godslayer_1Godslayer_1 Posts: 329 ★★★

    😭I got kabam'ed. At least could've given me kraven man, he's pretty good when awakened
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    Bugmat78Bugmat78 Posts: 2,258 ★★★★★
    New champs: Purgatory, Black Bolt, Hercules (selector), Moleman* (selector), Nimrod (EOP selector)

    * will be r1 until I'm sure of his kit
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    DanthexmanDanthexman Posts: 197
    I got Knull finally!! And another 20 levels on superior IM, a sorcerer supreme and also got enough shards for a Blade from a featured. Pretty happy with it tbh.
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    BeeweeBeewee Posts: 542 ★★★★
    Needless to say I got everything I would want from my crystals
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    PGK88PGK88 Posts: 84

    😭I got kabam'ed. At least could've given me kraven man, he's pretty good when awakened

    You could have wished for that Doom ;) Kabam Teasing you..
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    SquirrelguySquirrelguy Posts: 2,652 ★★★★★
    Somebody make that meme from We're the Millers with Will Poulter saying "You guys got crystals?"
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    DNA3000DNA3000 Posts: 19,034 Guardian
    My luck this time around was a bit meh. Best pull was awakening CapIW, and I pulled a new Thing. The real value was in the selectors. Guaranteed awesome in every one of them.
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    PGK88PGK88 Posts: 84
    Additionally, I awakened Darkhawk and pulled a brand new Ghost rider from the shards i had
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    TheCaptain412TheCaptain412 Posts: 337 ★★★
    Sucked monkey ass:

    Gambit, Ebony Maw, Jane Foster from the 6*.

    These were the Nexus:

    Void is fine, but otherwise, don’t know why I bother. Pulled Winter Soldier yesterday from a 6*, and my last two before that were Silver Centurion and Overseer. Haven’t pulled anyone I’ve actually wanted in months.
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    Giantwalrus56Giantwalrus56 Posts: 761 ★★★
    Best I've ever had in 4yrs. Knul, Ultron, & Red mags dupes. Mole man & Herc too. 'll never open another 6* again
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    JragonMaster170JragonMaster170 Posts: 2,044 ★★★★★
    Not spending.

    I don't have the units :|
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    DeemonbalaDeemonbala Posts: 31

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    OakenshieldOakenshield Posts: 1,866 ★★★★
    edited July 2022
    Not good pulls for me today. Duped my Daredevil OG with my 1K 6*, and then this for my nexus:

    Awakened Sym Supreme in case I ever decide to rank him. Not going to open anything else today since it seems to be a bad luck day.

    However, I did pull the trigger on the 10k unit deal to get this guy and took him immediately to R4 (my first one). Will awaken him next week if I don’t naturally dupe him with other pulls this weekend. My top objective for the weekend was to finally get him, so in that regard I’m happy.

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    MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Posts: 4,536 ★★★★★
    Torch, Kitty, Namor, Mr. F, Darkhawk, Taskmaster.

    Will use the AG on Kitty.
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    GamerGamer Posts: 10,420 ★★★★★

    My luck
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    RockypantherxRockypantherx Posts: 3,905 ★★★★★
    Tally for me today:

    Selected Kitty and CGR. Pulled a dupe on Domino and Mr Sinister, then Omega, Colossus (sig 80) and Archangel from my mutant nexuses

    Rank Up:
    Ghost to R4
    Omega to R3 sig 200
    Kitty to R3
    Archangel to R3
    CGR to R3
    Spidey 2099 to R3
    Mr Fantastic to R3

    Used all three of my generic awakening gems (Omega, Kitty and AA). Sigged up Ghost, Herc, Omega and then Nimrod to 95

    Overall, one hell of an account progression. Omega and AA were two of my most wanted champs in the game, so getting them, while being able to awaken, rank and sig Omega was incredible. Kitty works so well with so many champs I have ranked. CGR is CGR.
    Very happy to have Ghost at R4. The Colossus I could have done without and the basic nexus and crystal could have been better, but I really can’t complain when everything else is so good
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    SuelGamesSuelGames Posts: 947 ★★★
    invisible girl and red skull

    couldnt be worse than that..
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    ErcarretErcarret Posts: 2,812 ★★★★★
    I had a great day. Whaled out for the first (and, to be honest, probably last) time. Picked up a bunch of great champs.

    Kingpin: awakened, sig 85, went to r3.
    Tigra: r4'd her with earned resources.
    Jabari Panther r3'd her with earned resources.
    White Magneto: awakened, r3.
    Odin: New pull, r2.
    Kitty New pull, awakened her with a gem, sig 60, r3.
    Apocalypse: awakened.
    Archangel: first-time pull, r2 at the moment. I'll r3 and put a gem in him when I get more mutant ISO but I burned all I had on Kitty.
    CGR, Wasp, Storm, Omega Red, Iron Fist, Gwenpool, Taskmaster: dupes.

    So yeah, a lot of great champs. I went hard on mutant nexus crystals in order to pull Kitty before the 2021 selector, but I "just" pulled a lot of other great mutant champions. Not a dud between them but it meant that I couldn't pick up Hercules from the selector. The result of that is that my mutant roster is now stacked. I'm also really happy with my two skill r3s since I didn't have any skill champions r3'd before. It was always a weak spot in my roster, and that's been amended now.
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    doctorbdoctorb Posts: 1,760 ★★★
    PGK88 said:

    I pulled Strom (classic), Korg :( , Kingpin, Daredevil classic :( and a Knull from 2021 selector. Went for 18K in the TB deals.

    I personally love storm. Easy to build up prowess and maintain it.
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    H3t3rH3t3r Posts: 2,882 Guardian
    Absolutely insane. Pulled nearly every champ I needed and wanted. Except 6* void and kitty and styfe
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    LorddrewLorddrew Posts: 297 ★★
    my nexus was great if i wanted herc! got him twice (choose new champ instead)
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    Denslo500Denslo500 Posts: 905 ★★★
    Punisher 2099
    Cosmic Ghost Rider

    Great pulls, but I needed a worthwhile Science champ
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    WhoDaPooWhoDaPoo Posts: 323 ★★★
    Kitty, Herc, Knull, Nimrod, Corvus, Sauron, She-hulk, OG Thor (dupe), Ronan... not a bad day. I've been saving AGs so I was able to awaken Kitty and Herc :)
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    Madman_marvinMadman_marvin Posts: 656 ★★★★
    PGK88 said:

    I pulled Strom (classic), Korg :( , Kingpin, Daredevil classic :( and a Knull from 2021 selector. Went for 18K in the TB deals.

    Decided I’d try the 1k unit deal and duped my OG DD. Pure pain

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    MidnightfoxMidnightfox Posts: 1,160 ★★★
    Trash trash and more trash. Only good pull was 6 star peni.
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