Thronebreaker Cash offers are underwhelming

We have to spend 300 USD just to get 1 T3A and 1 T6B. Yeah u can get the smaller ones too but this isn’t nearly enough materials to be worth buying

The 5 and 10 USD offers are horrible

The 30 and 50 are ok I guess but nothing phenomenal.
Basically I think there wasn’t nearly enough R4 materials to make this amazing. I’d save your cash but if you like these that’s still ok. I personally just was expecting a little more
Thronebreakers got hosed
It’s a hard pass from me !
I will finish the weekend with 15,000 units and multiple hundreds of dollars. Hardly anything included to give a substantial push toward paragon. Unless you spend $300, and even then you aren’t even close to the materials needed.
I was going to spend around $300, but not when I’m being ridiculed like this. Will save for cyber weekend I guess, if I’m not completely F2P by then.
so not spend much
And others are not special
not only is SoP rewards strongly benefitting only those with a Paragon title(that only came out recently), but same with spending offers.
I guess Kabam is just really being "generous" towards Paragon players. Oh wait, they still got to spend $300+ to unlock 18k offers for a rank 3 to 4 gem.
They're just being less generous towards non-Paragon players.
If this makes Paragon players spend more money, good for you Kabam.
If you missed some of the content which was mentioned above then yes you need to buy it. But in the current state of the game - it gave us enough resources. If you didn't play enough time to catch the gauntlet then why people complaint about it? Wanna hurry up then yes, buy it.
I’m not complaining but I am of the opinion that Kabam didn’t do a good enough job of convincing me to part with my hard earned money.
Thronebreaker has carried Kabam for the last like 2 years, and now that we’re a few months into a new progression, we’re left behind. Seems wrong.