Relative to previous events, how much do you plan to spend for this one?

Now that we’re about a day in on the offers, how much do you plan to spend relative to previous events?
For me as a Thronebreaker, I did the unit deals (largely to ensure I finally got Herc) but will spend at most half what I usually do given the relative value of the Thronebreaker cash deals, which for me and my objectives are underwhelming.
For me as a Thronebreaker, I did the unit deals (largely to ensure I finally got Herc) but will spend at most half what I usually do given the relative value of the Thronebreaker cash deals, which for me and my objectives are underwhelming.
Relative to previous events, how much do you plan to spend for this one? 37 votes
Spending about 75% what I usually do
Usually spend on events, but not spending this time due to my perceived value of the offers
I won't even spend a dime ever on this game.
Nothing since I’m not paragon