What about maximum in game level?

BeloriBelori Member Posts: 20
So you've decided to increase max inventory capacity, which is wise move.
But how about in game level? I mean, we're stuck at lvl 60 for a long time already, and It doesn't change.
Why tho? It would be encouraging if people would have to increase their level to reach new inventory capacity, maybe new mastery points, or some other spices. What's so specific in ending lvl growth at 60?


  • Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Member Posts: 2,285 ★★★★★
    This, like the masteries, comes from the early days of the game. Some things need a general overhaul but the level 60 thing never bothered me
  • ChompsChomps Member Posts: 26
    I really hope they dont ever raise that cap. No real reason to. If they wanna give extra mastery points etc they can just include it in permanent content, like how act 4, iirc.

    All it would end up being is another thing to grind for imo.
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,648 ★★★★★
    I like selective masteries over being able to use them all. Promotes strategy and thinking.
  • ChompsChomps Member Posts: 26
    Terra said:

    I like selective masteries over being able to use them all. Promotes strategy and thinking.

    Agree. I assume they would only ever add mastery points if they increased the masteries available or completely reworked them.
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