Paragon benefits

Apart from the occasional holiday tiered offers, calendar and daily crystal update and better EoP rewards, what are the other paragon exclusive benefits? Because last I checked the sigil is still the thronebreaker one, and there isn't a paragon arena crystal or something. Not to mention the daily objective crystal is still stuck at the cavalier level.
The big issue is progression tiers take forever to get flushed out. Cav has been fully flushed out forever, but we still haven't seen Thronebreaker crystals. These thronebreaker crystals could have had the drop rates of cav crystals after those got buffed, or they could have better drop rates of 4, 5. And 6 stars. We should be seeing thronebreaker objective crystals and daily objectives. We are finally seeing TB objectives for EQ again. All of these things should have been in place for a long time.
I thinks it's really good maybe a bit overpowered really.
My view is that as long as Kabam don’t leave it be for months and months on end, I’m happy with how paragon is.
As the moment, EoP makes it worth it on its own. Over the entire event you’ll get 2 extra T6B and T3A compared to being TB, which is great. Add in July 4th, calendar and daily crystals and it’s been a substantial, but not overpowered advantage.
There are things to address with Paragon over time, the cavalier objective crystals, sigil benefits, discounts to Cav crystals (maybe going to 150 units).
But really, apart from compensation packages, content like EoP which will come in the future. Apart from what I’ve mentioned, what other benefits do titles usually have? What else are we missing that makes Paragon so underwhelming to some people?
The weekly one says Paragon too
August will be my first paragon month too
Last chance to stop the bickering before we close up shop on this thread.
Remember: This is a game and we're here to have fun. We don't always have to agree; we are free to voice our dissatisfaction toward the game, but don't devolve into personal attacks.
I will turn this car around.
I feel satisfied with energy refills and tier 5 health potions got from free paragon crystals. It's all I need.