Update on AQ and AW rewards ? Question to Kabam

First and foremost a big thank you to Kabam for improving the rewards in the monthly event quest and the side quest. Reaching the next title (parangon) is now achievable in a reasonnable time for me and will allow the advanced players to keep upgrading their roster regularly.
Since those two parts of the game have been updated, I can't help myself but think that AW and AQ are now in a dire need of a reward update too.
Maybe Kabam would like to give us some insight about their plan to dust off this content ?
Since those two parts of the game have been updated, I can't help myself but think that AW and AQ are now in a dire need of a reward update too.
Maybe Kabam would like to give us some insight about their plan to dust off this content ?
They basically try to get you to rank and level up specific champs whether you want to or not for prestige (historically, this might be Pheonix, today, that's Thor Rags).
Given how long 6 stars have been in the game, and the importance of prestige for AQ, players invested a lot into these champions, hoping that getting top AQ rewards would return dividends.
These players also tend to be spenders, as until recently, 6 star stones were very rare, and getting 1000 sigs on the top 5 was not easy without spending.
If though the reward for doing this does not make it worth it... then the point is moot. I'll be real curious to see how many people end up chasing after valkarie for her prestige knowing that it would take them a decade or so of AQ rewards to make it worth it (unless of course they also happen to like the champ and want to max her out over any other champ).
The dev team wanted me to relay to you all that they are working on updating AQ and AW rewards. There are more moving parts in these two game modes, which is why the EQ rewards update came first.
No timeline right now, but they were eager to get you the info!
I can currently spend 650 per cycle as a TB player on 10% random t5 (5% x2). Over the course of 50 cycles (400 days, or a little over 13 months) that’s 5 t5cc. I just bought 5 for 5000 units on July 4. The size of those chunks and the purchase limit need to be updated.
T5b has the same issue for TB players. By the time I buy 6X, I haven’t even formed one catalyst. Meanwhile each incremental purchase after that is now more than double my first one, and I need four full catalysts to rank a single champ to r3.
I would suggest:
T5cc - 10 percent chunks, limit 3.
T5b - 25% chunks with the current pricing system or 20% chunks with an increase of 25 glory per buy instead of 50
The issue I have is that the disparity between what are basically login rewards and what's the top alliances in the game earn is a joke.
I couldn't care less what is or isn't in SQ rewards. If you don't think it's absurd that SQ are more lucrative than what the very top of competitive alliance modes pay out, then feel free to explain what the point of those mode reward structures is supposed to be.
The fact that Masters earns less than SQ/EQ is a joke.
So yeah AQ giving 3k r4 mats a week When side quests are throwing out 10-15k is rather insane. Also he didn’t say anything about people outside of top alliance not needing a bump in rewards lol