Paragon Needs To Mean More

So it's been a hot minute (2+ months) since the new progression title of Paragon has started and there are "some" percs like the Daily Crystal and 4-Hour Crystals along with extra Eternity of Pain objectives for better rewards.
But, in my opinion, there's not enough of a difference as there's been with every other progression level prior. Below are 5 things I am bringing up that needs to change ASAP to make and encourage more players to want to become Paragon and keep playing this game.
1) Sigil Store 6-Star Featured Cost should be 11,000 shards instead of 13,000. Just like the 5-star featured was 13,000 shards for Cavalier players but lowered to 11,000 shards after they became Thronebreaker.

2. Weekly Sigil Gold Quest Needs another bump in amount just like every other progression. Minimum of 50,000 more Gold IMHO.

3) 7-Day "Test of the" Sigil Quest needs to be updated to Paragon with better Milestones as well.

4) Objectives Need to give higher than "Cavalier" Objective Crystals. This should have also changed for Thronebreakers, but that didn't happen.

5) Discount for Cavalier Crystals more than currently *or* Allow Paragon to buy the same Unit price for a Cavalier Nexus through the Crystals.

Those are 5 things that need to change ASAP and don't require much thought IMHO as they have already happened via past progressions. Keep in mind, 3 of those are for paying customers of the Summoner's Sigil.
If Kabam really wants to get on our good side, introduce a new Crystal that's not Cavalier that excludes 3-Stars *or* Simply change the daily offers that rotate for $5 to always be a Nexus for Paragon Players.
But, in my opinion, there's not enough of a difference as there's been with every other progression level prior. Below are 5 things I am bringing up that needs to change ASAP to make and encourage more players to want to become Paragon and keep playing this game.
1) Sigil Store 6-Star Featured Cost should be 11,000 shards instead of 13,000. Just like the 5-star featured was 13,000 shards for Cavalier players but lowered to 11,000 shards after they became Thronebreaker.

2. Weekly Sigil Gold Quest Needs another bump in amount just like every other progression. Minimum of 50,000 more Gold IMHO.

3) 7-Day "Test of the" Sigil Quest needs to be updated to Paragon with better Milestones as well.

4) Objectives Need to give higher than "Cavalier" Objective Crystals. This should have also changed for Thronebreakers, but that didn't happen.

5) Discount for Cavalier Crystals more than currently *or* Allow Paragon to buy the same Unit price for a Cavalier Nexus through the Crystals.

Those are 5 things that need to change ASAP and don't require much thought IMHO as they have already happened via past progressions. Keep in mind, 3 of those are for paying customers of the Summoner's Sigil.
If Kabam really wants to get on our good side, introduce a new Crystal that's not Cavalier that excludes 3-Stars *or* Simply change the daily offers that rotate for $5 to always be a Nexus for Paragon Players.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
I am a Sigil subscriber and would love to see all of these things implemented in game, but I think perks that are applied to Paragon outside of the Sigil should be the focus. Additional difficulties in boss rushes or celebrity challenges, access to further content (EQ difficulties or a third tier of Variants?), some way to more easily acquire T4CC selectors.
Some of these are more easily implemented than others, but you get the idea I’m going for here. There’s enough talk about the title only being accessible by paying, I don’t think the majority of the rewards for the title should be behind a further transactional wall. Some of them? Yeah, absolutely. But not 60%.
1) Even though it's 60% of my suggestions, it's based on the fact that Kabam is itself, a business. That means by enacting this, it gives more incentive to those who become Paragon to either continue or enroll/subscribe to the Summoner's Sigil. And if they are not Patagon yet, and they don't have the Summoner's Sigil, the changes may also help to make it so they enroll in it again or maybe for the first time. This makes the effort to make the changes by Kabam worth it from a financial standpoint and hence, a return on investment.
2) These changes have already been happening with every progression levels past in the Sigil Store. So it's not really hiding anything behind a paywall as it is upgrading the features we have seen already play out in the past. Like the example I made from Cavalier to Thronebreaker changing the amount of shards for the 5-Star Featured. Also, TB got access to the 6-Star Featured, so lowering the costfor Paragon makes sense. The fact it wasn't automatically changed for Paragon players is odd and it shouldn't stop there.
I appreciate the conversation and you taking the time to read what I wrote and reply. I love the healthy discussion, and I definitely can see from your point of view too. Even if we don't agree with each other or maybe have a difference of opinion, it's nice to communicate so we better understand and can help make the community better overall for maybe those less vocal.
I'm serious. Paragon is the current top tier progression in the game. There isn't anything higher, and won't be anything higher on a time scale of a year or more. There are players who absolutely must keep pushing forward. They push to get to top tier AQ alliances, they push to get to top tier alliance war alliances, they push to complete all of the story arc content, they try to get the newest champs and rank them up. These people absolutely need more things at the top to do, and those players basically needed the Paragon title to aim for. There are other players right behind them who are or will soon become Paragon. None of these players needed any encouragement to become Paragon.
Every player we *push* to become Paragon above those players is someone who will be burning up the progression in the game faster than they otherwise would. They are reaching the end of the game - even if it is a temporary end - quicker. They will get roadblocked for longer, and their pleas for more stuff for "end gamers" will go unheeded for longer, because the game can't make enough of that stuff. Players will do this to themselves because that's just how they play, and they can't play any differently. But why would we inflict this upon players who wouldn't otherwise have this problem? I see no benefit for anyone.
The answer cannot be "so they keep playing." If they don't want to play anymore because they see no point in Paragon, they won't see any point in playing a game where they are Paragon and there's literally nothing else to shoot for above it, which is where we are now, and where we are going to be for quite a while.
Every time you mention any of these issues you get forwarded to this void "fill in this form".
You get silenced, activly by forum mods, next to some forum members who have as it seems stock options in this game silencing you if anything is not complimenting enough.
This post, or my comment will probably deleted as it's not constructed nor have any added structure for this post. read first line, imo little to late, should have been upgraded years agoe.
The majority of Paragon players spend a lot of real life money on this game we all love and dislike at the same time. It doesn’t take much and is a small yet huge thing Kabam can do for its players. It won’t break the game and it will only push TB players to get to Paragon. Because honestly right now there isn’t much incentive to motivate many players to progress.
So yeah I highly agree with Mando and hope Kabam hears it’s players and puts this into play soon. It benefits us players as well as Kabam because they will make more money and the players will happy.
I'll be the first person to renew when it's improved.
Sigil didn't have TB stuff until December'ish of 2020. TB was released in October of 2020.
Paragon has been a title for just about or a little over 2 months. If they follow what they did with TB, we'll see a store update soon. Could be for next update.
The Sigil offer for 5-Star Featured for 11K was the same time along with immediate access to 13K 6-Star Featured offer.
So yes, you're correct they added more things later, but that was when they updated the entire store for all levels as a new store overhaul.
Hope that makes sense and just because they waited that long then, doesn't mean they have to or need to wait that long to implement what I think they should in my original post.
I appreciate that point though, there was definitely other changes later than launch/2 months after. It was like 4 months after.
Everything I find on the test of thronebreaker is from early December. TB came out in October. So, no, we didn't have a TB test of yet.
Thronebreaker - October
"Test of Thronebreaker" - December
Time passed from those two: 2 Months
It's July 11.
It's been roughly 2 months.
Anything else?