Kabam, stop starving players of gold
Why do you want us to be gold poor? Gold is an essential resource in this game. You even made it so essential that we have to spend it when using a Rank Up Gem (which makes 0 sense since the purpose of the rank up gem is so that we DON'T have to use resources). This offer should have had AT LEAST 1M gold. Sheezus are you stuck in 2015?
Maybe try and do some more arena where the main source of gold is. Offers like what you posted aren't intended to be a main source of any resource.
Acts are too tough, eq is Grundy, arena is tiring incursions is a hassle, the only good thing is sq and it has a lot of good this time around
It's basically saying you're being starved of income but won't accept jobs you hate even though they pay well.
It's not like your in-game account is private information. They posted their game account in the first picture.
There's no one source for everything that someone needs to rank up a champ, especially 6*'s. 12m in arena isn't designed to give you enough gold to R2 a 6*. Never was.
If I had better champion rng, i'd be broke lol
1 - Arena
2 - AQ
3 - Incursions
If you’re not doing the thing that gives the most of whatever you need, whether you enjoy it or not, then you have little right to complain about the thing you need being available.
Work on your attitude before you ask Kabam to work on their game.