Selling 4* for a shot at Yondu

I'm considering selling some 4* to get a second shot at 5* Yondu of I miss him with the shards I already have.
I have 67 4*, 29 of which are 4/40 or 5/50.
All the rest are 3/30 and don't even get used in arena.
I'd need to sell 29 of the 3/30s to get a second go at Yondus feature.
I have 67 4*, 29 of which are 4/40 or 5/50.
All the rest are 3/30 and don't even get used in arena.
I'd need to sell 29 of the 3/30s to get a second go at Yondus feature.
Selling a 3/30 nets you more 5* shards than a regular dupe by a decent amount. When you get that champs again, just rank him/her back up to 3/30 and sell again. It is a 5* shard generation engine that is completely overlooked by the playerbase.
Um, there is something wrong in selling champs especially if its a 4* at any rank.
1. You lose some precious prestige
2. You just wasted a bunch of tier 1 alphas (if they are at rank 3)
3. Those champs may get buffed in the future
4. If you get those champs to sig level 99, you get a max signature crystal which has a chance to give you the white version of iron fist.
5. 5* shards can be acquired through mang things. Such as events, act 4, alliance wars, ect.
All I can tell you is I have been farming 4*s since as long as I can remember and it hasn't hurt me in the game one bit. You just need to do what you think is best for you. Don't let other people tell you how to play your game. If selling 29 4* 3/30s is worth a shot at a 5* yondu, then do it and don't look back.
The last time I sold multiple 4*s for a 5* crystal, I duped my Star Lord. So it's a gamble, but if that's what enhances or makes the game more enjoyable to you then I say do it.
1. His prestige would not be affected one bit, that's not how prestige works. If you mean your account hero rating, there is nothing precious about it.
2. T1as are not even a valuable resource, you only become constrained with these when starting to rank up 5*s. And he would not be wasting them, he would be converting them for 425 5* shards.
3. He can definitely sit around and wait for the once or twice in a year champ buff and cross his fingers that on every of those useless champs sitting there doing nothing is part of that group. Do you think at this point it would be a game changing buff?
4. Oh yes, the max sig argument, if you can get to sig99, you get a max sig crystal that has a 1/1000 chance to get White IF who is nothing more than a collectors item.
5. Yes you can get 5*s through other means but these 5* featured crystals have a time limit. So he can't sit and wait 2 months for his next shot at Yondu.
OP, do what you think is best for you. And if it doesn't work out, guess what, it's just a game. Who cares lol.
I agree on that. It depends on you, not us.
6. Next time a compensation package goes out and the cutoff is set, you may fall below that cutoff and come on here and complain.
I once needed 400 shards to get a 5 star, so I sold my sig 99 Antman (3/30) as I hate him, and never used him... I pulled a 5 star antman... and over the next few months, pulled 4 more 4 star Antman.
I have a rating of 308k, the last compensation package cutoff was 200k
I don't grind for featured champs. I don't have the time and let's face it, no-one uses 4*s to grind for featured any more.
I can easily hit 6 mil in basic arena using only my 4/40s and 5/50s.
If I already have the basic I use my 3* to go for the feature 3* and easily hit 1.8 mil in that arena
T1 alphas don't even come into it, I sell 2-3 every 3 days or they expire.
I have enough shards, an awakening gem and some 5* Sig stones if I'm lucky enough to get him first time.
I'm just thinking of a fall back for if I don't get him first time.
long term huh?...if you are a grinder, you're statement is completely inaccurate. Factor in basics champs of arena and you will literally be in the same boat as you were before but well ahead in 5* shards. For example, I have unduped champ at 3/30, sell for shards, win basic and rank up, sell for shards, win basic again and rank up and you are literally in the exact spot you were before waiting for a dupe from a crystal. But you are +850 5* shards.
Just because you don't understand the farming aspect of it, don't go around calling things stupid. If you want to sit around waiting on dupes, that's your call, definitely a lot less work, but farming is a no brainer if you have the time and want to do it.
It honestly sounds like you have your mind made up, why ask for advice? Most are telling you it's a dumb idea and you are still leaning towards doing it. Just do it.
OP, man up, make a decision, pull the trigger or don't, let us know what happened so we can all cheer, laugh, or cry.
It's not entirely wrong. You get a lot of 5* shards if you sell a 4* 3/30 champ. Over the long term, you'll get more shards once you sig 99 your 4* champ and start doubling up on the 5* shards, but if you're in a pinch to get 5* shards quickly for another chance at a featured pull, then it makes sense to sell 3/30s. I personally haven't done it, but I understand why someone would.
Yes I would agree in that sense. If you are end game level, and have predominantly a lot of champs already or near max dupe then it would make no sense to sell or farm champs. but I highly doubt the majority of people out there get 3-4 4* crystals a week to be able to reach that point. But if you do and are, great, I don't have a long term view of this game seeing as I could quit tomorrow and not even bat an eye over it especially the way things have been going.
But again, OP, if you think it's worth the gamble then do it. Or take this guys advice and hunker down and wait for the long term "investment" to pay off. Definitely find a good alliance though, 3-4 4* a week is beastly.
Anyway I'd never sell a champ for any reason. The max sig crystals are too value.
long term huh?...if you are a grinder, you're statement is completely inaccurate. Factor in basics champs of arena and you will literally be in the same boat as you were before but well ahead in 5* shards. For example, I have unduped champ at 3/30, sell for shards, win basic and rank up, sell for shards, win basic again and rank up and you are literally in the exact spot you were before waiting for a dupe from a crystal. But you are +850 5* shards.
Just because you don't understand the farming aspect of it, don't go around calling things stupid. If you want to sit around waiting on dupes, that's your call, definitely a lot less work, but farming is a no brainer if you have the time and want to do it.[/quote]
I actually did the math on this yesterday because I also came to the conclusion that it's better to sell 3/30 champs that are never used. To piggyback on the farming example, you will get more 5* shards (425 vs 275) for selling a 3/30 4* compared to a dupe. It isn't until they are maxed that the dupe gives more (550 vs 425) since you likely get extra shards from the max hero crystal. But even then, you could sell a lvl 99 dupe, get 425 shards, pull him again and sell for another 425 (850 total) vs the 550 shards from not selling and getting a dupe.
For those wondering, I figured out the breakeven or how many times you would have to pull the same 4* hero to where not selling is the better long-term strategy. So, make your own conclusions but I think if you don't use them in arena and the resources to take them to 3/30 are easy to come by then sell away.
No Dupe - 15 Pulls
Single Dupe - 12 Pulls
2x Dupe - 10 Pulls
3x Dupe - 8 Pulls
4x Dupe - 6 Pulls
Max - 4 Pulls
long term huh?...if you are a grinder, you're statement is completely inaccurate. Factor in basics champs of arena and you will literally be in the same boat as you were before but well ahead in 5* shards. For example, I have unduped champ at 3/30, sell for shards, win basic and rank up, sell for shards, win basic again and rank up and you are literally in the exact spot you were before waiting for a dupe from a crystal. But you are +850 5* shards.
Just because you don't understand the farming aspect of it, don't go around calling things stupid. If you want to sit around waiting on dupes, that's your call, definitely a lot less work, but farming is a no brainer if you have the time and want to do it.[/quote]
I actually did the math on this yesterday because I also came to the conclusion that it's better to sell 3/30 champs that are never used. To piggyback on the farming example, you will get more 5* shards (425 vs 275) for selling a 3/30 4* compared to a dupe. It isn't until they are maxed that the dupe gives more (550 vs 425) since you likely get extra shards from the max hero crystal. But even then, you could sell a lvl 99 dupe, get 425 shards, pull him again and sell for another 425 (850 total) vs the 550 shards from not selling and getting a dupe.
For those wondering, I figured out the breakeven or how many times you would have to pull the same 4* hero to where not selling is the better long-term strategy. So, make your own conclusions but I think if you don't use them in arena and the resources to take them to 3/30 are easy to come by then sell away.
No Dupe - 15 Pulls
Single Dupe - 12 Pulls
2x Dupe - 10 Pulls
3x Dupe - 8 Pulls
4x Dupe - 6 Pulls
Max - 4 Pulls[/quote]
It's completely counterproductive to invest Resources into Ranking a Champ just to sell them again. Duping gives much better Rewards. So do Max Sig Crystals. Now, whether people choose to sell or not is up to them. However, there is no logic in the idea that selling is more beneficial.