Number of event crystals seems unusually low

The number of godbomb crystals and shards available seem unusually low in comparison to other months, especially considering the lower 2000 shard cost than the past 4000, which is nice but if I remember correctly I bought the maximum amount of shards for a thronebreaker and only had enough for 6 crystals! This is way lower than past events. Im wondering if any of the mods can shed some light onto any upcoming ways for shards like an arena for example or challenges.
I just said I didn't care about how many crystals I can buy
I would take 4* crystal shards over them any day
Dr. Zola
Honestly I've learned to go into any crystal that has 3* and 4* with small chance of 5* and 6* with a realistic expectation that I'm probably not going to get a 5* or 6* that way when I do get a 5* or a 6* it is exciting and if I don't then I'm not upset, as I've set reasonable expectations.
BG really sucks with 5*
some months youll get lucky other times you wont. but if you dont grind for them then you cant really maximize your RNG.
In fact, with 3% drop rates, you’d have a 1/500 chance to pull more than 10 6-stars on a hundred pulls.
So in a game this big, sure, some people are having that luck, but even if you’ve got a horseshoe crammed up your backside you need to know that’s not the experience for the rest of us.
i dont lie, i guess i just have that kinda luck. this months free crystals